Matt said:
It isn't a vague reference, I gave you a direct reference to its
location. I don't have the data, well I might have, but I don't think I
have MCN issues back to the 2001 or so timeframe when their last test
was published. And if I did, I wouldn't violate copyright law by
publishing it here.
Since you don't want to really see probably the most comprehensive
COMPARISON data out there (I've certainly never seen anything like it
from any other source), then I guess you should hang it up.
Nice try Matt, but that's not going to cut it. Either post the info or
send it to me. I'm not going to spend my money on an outdated article in
a motorcyle magazine just to refute your ridiculous claims. If you're so
invested in one friggin' magazine article, it's incumbent on YOU to
produce it.
I also find it pretty amazing that you can't even recall when the
article was or whether you have it, but you know for sure that it showed
huge differences between oils. Funny stuff, Matt.
Buy the article. Read it.
You send it to me and I'll read it.
Yes, it seems pretty ridiculous to be unwilling to obtain the data. It
is much easier to just claim it doesn't exist.
Who said that? There you go making things up again, Matt. You seem to
have a REAL problem with that.
It is the only comparison I've ever found among many different oils. I
don't recall the details, but I believe they had upwards of 20 different
brands tested. If you know of a more recent or more comprehensive
comparison, I'm all ears. I'll even pay to buy it if you give me the
Why don't you buy a copy of the article that you keep eluding to and
share it with us?
Is there something more current? Perhaps, but I have no idea and never
claimed to. Whether there is or not is irrelevent to whether your claims
have any validity. All you've done is make unfounded statements and
insinutations. That's not evidence or data, Matt.
It certainly isn't obvious that you are.
It would be if you had the slightest clue as to what it means or what
quality is.
I'm guessing that you work for
either Wal-Mart or the folks that bottle Supertech, right? I should
have made that connection earlier.
So now you're concocting conspiracy theories? Do you ever live in the
real world?
For the record, I have nothing to do with the petroleum industry or the
retail industry or any company that has anything to do with this
Wait a minute, I get it. YOU work for Mobile, don't you??? That MUST BE
Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it, Matt? Just like your comment above.
How do you know where the upper limit is? Back before the advent of
synthetics, people making dino oils couldn't even imagine the
performance capability of synthetics. Who knows what the next
revolution in lubrication might be? Must be you do, so can you tell us
what the upper limits are?
Yet another specious argument. Imagine that?
There are limits to current technology. That doesn't mean that there
won't be a breakthrough in the future comparable to the introduction of
synthetic oils, but it's not available today. Modern oils are mature
products; they've been researched and developed thoroughly. The
differences between them are tiny, as there's simply no place to go
within the limits of current technology. Any changes in the past decade
or two have been at best incremental and at worst, nothing but marketing
Funny, I was thinking the same things about yours...
Well, I'm not the one continually shooting myself in the foot by making
things up. To quote Forrest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does."