[QUOTE] "Wal-Mart Supertech oil filters are junk, see below and other places: [URL]http://www.ntpog.org/reviews/filters/filters.shtml[/URL] " Matt, I've been using the super tech filters for years without a single problem. They are made by STP. If you open up the box on a bosch, STP and a super tech filter you will see that the canister is identical down to the letter stampings, save for the label on the outside. In this respect I agree with Mr. Bartsch. I would question the integrity of information on a website that only lists one type of filter to avoid, and completely misses the trainwreck called "Fram". Fram filters made since they were acquired by allied signal are the ones to avoid. I had one of those blow up on a cold start one morning. I've never had a super tech leak or fail. One need look no further than the disclaimer at the top of the page to see that the information you have posted a link to is meant to be questioned: "This review contains no SAE or ASTM test data regarding filtration ability or flow information."[/QUOTE] I agree. I've looked at several sources of information, mostly on the web as I can't find it elsewhere. Supertech is consistently substandard as are the standard Fram filters and many other brands. Matt