Solid tires on 2006 Sonata LX

  • Thread starter Thread starter Deck
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6of9 said:
Remember, the Lincoln (and other Ford products) has a
computer module that computes gas mileage, so it's not subject to WAGs
about how full the tank was, etc.

That explains a lot, as trip computers are not always accurate unless
you average the mileage over several tanks of gas. It's more accurate to
calculate the mileage manually (distance divided by gallons at fill-up).
Averaging that over several tanks improves accuracy, too.
Deck said:
That and
the fact that my Insurance co raised my rates $520 a year because it's a
"sports car"??? My son has a Tiberon and they didn't raise his rates
..guess it's not a sports car...!

It sounds like it's time to get a new insurance company as the above is
complete BS! Seriously, shop around. If you happen to live in any of the
states that AMICA services, I highly recommend them.
Brian said:
That explains a lot, as trip computers are not always accurate unless
you average the mileage over several tanks of gas. It's more accurate to
calculate the mileage manually (distance divided by gallons at fill-up).
Averaging that over several tanks improves accuracy, too.

In my opinion, the latter is the only really good way to compute average
MPG. And mileage varies widely based on a number of factors. I had an
84 Accord that would get 36 typically on the interstate at 60 or so.
Yet one day I got 46 MPG on a full tank. Believe me?

How about if I tell you I was driving across the upper midwest on very
flat terrain, at 55 MPH ... with, and I'm not exagerating, a 50-60 MPH
direct tailwind! It was eery. The car was almost silent at 55 MPH as
the relative wind speed was varying between probably -5 and +5 MPH. It
sounded like you were sitting still revving the engine a little. It is
amazing how much noise the wind makes at normal cruise. And with the
wind drag virtually gone, the mileage is truly impressive.

amazing how much noise the wind makes at normal cruise. And with the
wind drag virtually gone, the mileage is truly impressive.

Maybe we need to start using that shark skin they use on Olympic swim suits.