I didn't see any other "attackers" but I don't know why you are jealous of
how I spend my money. Everyone has their personal tastes. People buy
extended warraties and service plans and never use them too. Their choice.
If I spent my money on un-needed services, I'd not be able to travel every
few years. But don't stop on my account.
I'm regarded as Royalty in Poland.
As for the
Never tried the K&N filters. I've heard too much negative on them. OTOH,
I've never had a problem with paper filters so I'll continue to use them.
They work so why play with oil? Change as recommended at 30,000
Coolant today is good for 3 to 5 years. I go that long and have never had a
cooling problem since my '53 Merc. I've never changed PS fluid even after
15 years and 200,000 miles.
Considering that track record, I'm not going to change my schedule to spend
more money. As for automatic trasmissions, I've only ever change fluid in
one of them in 48 years of car ownership. Only one has ever has tranny
failure. Guess which one? I'll never change it again.
I'd agree on that. In my case, about 3+ years and 60k+ miles.
Wow, must be easy being oblivious. I'm not sure how you figure I'm
jealous of how you spend your money. I just said that if you feel the
need to brag about how you spend it in this post it's only to boost your
ego. And you were the other "attacker", you attacked my suggestion to
replace spark plugs yearly. You may not agree with that and that is
fine. You attacked the amount of money I "waste" on maintenance. Fine if
you don't want to do maintenance on the same schedule, but you don't
have to brag that you buy high ticket items and go on European
vacations. All you had to do was say something like "I don't change them
yearly, they should last longer than that." Or "I haven't needed to
change my coolant in 5 years and it is still fine." But no, you had to
go and come off sounding like a douche. I'll agree that I may change
some of my fluids more often than needed, but that's my choice.
And for you other people reading this exchange, you should do your
maintenance as you see fit, or at the recommendation of your favorite
service tech. Really what's important here is keeping our cars running
like new and however you go about achieving that is fine.