Question about a 1996 elantra

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by Julien BH, May 20, 2008.

  1. Julien BH

    Julien BH Guest

    I checked my Transmission level and it looks to be over the "hot"
    section. Is that normal? (like an inch over) I swiped it with a
    kleenex and did it a second time, and still over. Weird. Maybe I have
    too much fluid?
    Julien BH, Jun 3, 2008
  2. Julien BH

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I have a standard in my Sonata so I'm not sure what the procedure is for
    checking a Hyundai automatic, but most American cars I've had required
    you to be on the level, run the transmission through all of the gears
    typically pausing for a few seconds in each gear and then let the car
    idle for 60 seconds or longer before checking the fluid. Did you read
    your owner's manual and follow the procedure to the letter?

    If you did and you are reading an inch high, then it sure sounds like
    someone overfilled your transmission.

    Matt Whiting, Jun 5, 2008
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