Is a Water Pump considered part of the 100 k. Driveline Warranty???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dave in Lake Villa, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. Dave in Lake Villa

    hyundaitech Guest

    If you'd like to post examples of Dave's posts, use posts from this
    newsgroup. Why don't you understand that we don't care what he posts
    anywhere other than here?

    On second thought, don't even dig up his posts from here. By now, you've
    shown your character well enough that I don't even care what you might

    Should I now take your unwarranted attacks and harass you with them on
    another newsgroup? I didn't thinks so. Come back when you'd like to
    discuss Hyundais.
    hyundaitech, Apr 13, 2007
  2. Take your stupid, childish, pointless diatribe, stick it where the sun
    don't shine and get out of here! We don't need your crap!
    Brian Nystrom, Apr 13, 2007
  3. Dave in Lake Villa

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Examples? So far the only example of flogging this group with unwanted and
    irrelevant posts would be those of you who have tracked Dave here, and feel
    the need to "warn us" about him.
    You have. So - since that is such a distasteful tactic to you, why do you
    do it? Simply take your fascination with Dave somewhere else, and trust
    that we are fully capable of taking care of ourselves here, without your
    pathetic excuses for chasing people around the net to continue your personal
    little wars.
    Mike Marlow, Apr 13, 2007
  4. Dave in Lake Villa

    Bob Adkins Guest

    Stick around Ken! We'll convert you to our religion and save your
    soul! Hang on there while we work up a good sermon especially for

    Bob Adkins, Apr 13, 2007
  5. Dave in Lake Villa

    Bob Adkins Guest

    I think Ken is in love with Dave. Why else would he be so obsessed
    with him that he stalks him around the Internet?

    Bob Adkins, Apr 13, 2007
  6. Dave in Lake Villa

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Maybe Dave gave him the cold shoulder and Ken is now the spurned lover...
    Mike Marlow, Apr 13, 2007
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