Eric said:
Fair enough. I'm not judging your decision. For me, having to sit in
daily crawling traffic, a stick just doesn't make any sense. I did NOT
drive the 4 with a stick (the dealer didn't have one even if I wanted to).
Maybe that has good enough power, but you have to admit that the automatic
was a bit on the feebler side as far as pulling out into traffic, no? The
V6 was even an easier decision for me without the stick in the equation.
And I wasn't judging your decision, I just was picking on your
justification for it.
I didn't drive a 4 cylinder automatic, but I found the V-6 automatic to
be fairly peppy both at low speeds and at high. I found the 4 cylinder
stick nearly as peppy up until about 80 MPH (don't tell the dealer about
my test drives!). The V-6, once it shifts down, pulls better at higher
speeds, but if you hold it in 5th, the advantage over the 4 cylinder
stick seemed minor to me.
Yes, I likely wouldn't buy a stick in the city, then again, I just might
as I really like stick shift and nearly despise automatics. I'm
probably the only person in my county who has a snow-plow equipped
pickup truck with a 5 speed. Everyone tells me you can't plow snow with
a standard without burning up the clutch. Well, I've done it for 50,000
miles or so with no problem (the truck has 90K, but has only had the
plow for the past 50K). I also tow a camper with a manual tranny.
I should say that I drove semis for 5 years so I really do know how to
drive a stick. Driven properly, a stick will do just about anything an
automatic will do, and does a lot of things better and for less money
and maintenance cost and far fewer failures.
Just out of curiosity, do you know how much the minivan and pickup weigh
versus the Sonata?
I'm not precisly sure, but my truck weighs about 5,600 lbs empty (I've
had it on scales so I know this number is pretty close). I'm not sure
about the minivan, but I'm guessing it weights 4,000 or so (it is an 03
Grand Caravan). The truck has the 4.3L Vortec V-6 and the van has the
3.3L V-6.
I'd have to go out and get my manual to look up the Sonata weight, but I
was thinking that the 4 cylinder/5 speed was just shy of 3,000 lbs and
it seems that the V-6 automatic was a couple of hundred pounds heavier.
The extra weight, and I believe higher final drive ratio, is the
likely reason that the acceleration difference isn't as pronounced as
the torque difference between the two engines might suggest.
If I get a minute, I'll Google and find the exact weights of the GC and