Hosing off engine bay

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by accent, May 14, 2006.

  1. With all due respect, these are things you should find out BEFORE you
    agree to any service.
    Live and learn, I guess.
    Brian Nystrom, May 25, 2006
  2. accent

    accent Guest

    I understand your point. My thinking is that an agreement was made
    when I handover my car keys.

    I believe a OBD2 reader will pay for itself. Wait and see.
    accent, May 25, 2006
  3. No, nothing is agreed to until you sign the authorization paperwork. If
    you don't like what you hear, you have every right to take your car and
    leave. I know that can be tough to do at times, but that's exactly what
    crooked repair shops count on. You have to be willing to say "no".
    Possibly. I don't have one yet, but that's because I haven't needed it.
    Brian Nystrom, May 25, 2006
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