Door locked by itself - 2007 Sonata

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Bob said:
The decoder needs at least three separate 64 bit encrypted sequences to
be exactly correct. That just isn't going to happen, as I said in my
original statement "There is NO WAY the receiver will mistake anything
else for an authentic transmission".

I'd believe you, but life has proven that the most perfect system can fail.
Ask any accident investigator.
Partner said:
You're a smart guy, I'm sure you'll figure it out sooner or later.

It is an erroneous statement so it isn't possible to figure it out as I
can't read your mind.

There are false positives and false negatives, Type 1 and 2 failures
also called Type I and II and sometimes called alpha and beta failures,
but there are no positive and negative failures.

No - you've got it wrong. It's no major NO-NO to leave your keys in the car
for such things as filling up the tank. That's only for the foolish people
of the world. It's really the Korean version of a joke. Different sort of
sense of humor and all...

This reminds me of my father in law. He lives in a very rural area,
while we live in the BIG city. He came down and we had to go to
K-Mart. We were getting out of the car and I noticed he left the keys
in his car. When I mentioned to him that he might want to take his key
out and lock the car up, his response to me was " What if someone
needs to move it?" I actually LMAO!

When I mentioned to him that he might want to take his key
out and lock the car up, his response to me was " What if someone
needs to move it?" I actually LMAO!

It's still that way in my parts. Well, not everywhere, but in most
places. Locks are mostly a nuisance, but are being used more and more.

Isn't it breaking the law to leave an unattended vehicle with
the engine running, either on the highway or a public place?

Sir , it is in so in some parts within the Commonwealth of Australia.
On this key thing -you folk must have pointed the bone at me.
Happened last night when I got in the car !!

The chain of events went like this

1 unlocked the car with the key rather than the remote .
2 Alarm triggered
3 used remote to stop alarm
4 Entered car as normal started car
as reversing the doos locked by themselves ? That has never happened
before ( unless I set the auto lock thing via the arm rest )

This may help hyundai tech track down teh cause.
could it be a sequence within teh chip that controls this function ?
Where's you FIL live? I'd like to move there.

When I was a kid in rural western Wisconsin all the relatives used to leave
their homes unlocked if they were away for less than a day or so. If you
visited, and they weren't home, you could leave a note saying you'd see them
later or whatever.

Unfortunately they don't (can't?) do that anymore. And the politicians tell
you America's best days are still ahead of us if you elect them. Yeah,