beto1217 said:
what is all adults are the same weight who are you going to choose to
die in case of an acccident, then they should not charge for air bags
and let you decide if it is worth it to buy a car that does not rely on
its safety issues to prevent an injury, that is why we buy these cars
in the 1st place, for SAFETY!!!!!
Speak for yourself, oh paranoid one!
I buy my cars for TRANSPORTATION.
Anyone who RELIES on passive safety features is a fool. Why is it that
some people freak out and assume that a malfuntioning airbag means
INSTANT DEATH! While it's true that airbags can save lives under SOME
conditions, simply wearing seat belts saves far more lives that airbags
ever will. To listen to some people, you'd wonder how we ever survived
before the advent of airbags.
If you want to be safe, don't drive. Since you don't appear to be the
risk taking type, driving is probably the most dangerous thing you do in
a given day. You'd be better off taking public transportation. If you
really want to be safer when you drive, go to a good driving school and
learn how it's supposed to be done. Knowing the limits of your vehicle
and how to handle difficult situations properly will make you - and your
passengers - FAR safer than any airbag.