Bad tune-up...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. Jim

    DanKaye Guest

    Thanks, Mike. Shrink it with a blow drier or ? Not sure what you mean
    by that.
    DanKaye, Dec 1, 2005
  2. Jim

    Mike Marlow Guest

    A blow drier may work - never tried one. I use a cigarette lighter and wave
    it under the shrink tube until it shrinks completely. Be careful not to get
    it too hot or it will melt. A quick bit of practice and you'll figure out
    the right speed and distance to do the job perfectly. If you've never used
    shrink tubing, you're gonna have a ball. It's one of those simple minds,
    simple pleasure things - it's just neat to watch it shrink down and conform
    to the item inside it.
    Mike Marlow, Dec 1, 2005
  3. Jim

    nothermark Guest

    blow dryer if it's warm enough, heat gun much better. Lighters and
    torches work if you are **very** carefull. I'd try a high intensity
    lamp before a flame. The quartz lamps put out quite a bit of rdiant
    heat. A reflector like a piece of foil will block heat from other
    plastic while the tube shrinks.
    nothermark, Dec 2, 2005
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