Matt Whiting
KW said:I'm having no problems with heat & cool issues nor any of the other
*features* that folks have posted. Don't know if the HVAC system or ducting
is different on the LX versus other models. I have tried to duplicate the
tank slosh noise at varying fill levels, Headlights work fine, etc. The car
that I was in for the initial test drive at the dealer did exhibit the dash
squeak and also had the problem with the rear of the headliner coming loose
and dropping down ~2 inches.
Did they find the dash squeak? Mine is still elusive. I didn't have
any problem with the headliner coming loose, but they did the "recall"
to it within a week of me buying the car so they likely pre-empted the
failure with the extra adhesive they added.
Perhaps your specific car has build issues that should be taken care of
under warranty, or maybe mine was just built on a *good* day..... if so, I
consider myself lucky....who knows?. FWIW, our high temps have been
running above the mid 80's with pretty high humidity (North Georgia).
Usually we turn the air on full arctic blast for about the first couple of
miles and by then things get a little chilly so we set it on whatever temp
feels comfortable and forget it. We've never had an issue maintaining the
proper temp (heat or cooling) yet. BTW, mine is Black exterior with Light
Gray Leather interior and no window tint.
The tank sloshing is a design issue not a build issue.
2006 Sonata LX V6 Auto. Purchased in Oct '05 and currently shows just over
11K on the odo. The last month fuel averages at fillup have been: 21.9,
22.4, 21.9, 22.2 with 98+% of the use being around town and almost no
freeway use.
I think the LX has the windows with a higher level of tint. I'd have to
go find my brochure, but I believe that the two higher end models came
standard with a higher level of window tint. And that may be the
difference between my GL and the others who have posted here.
I just came back from some extended errand running and took along a
thermometer and did some primitive testing. It is 92F here today with
humidity levels probably in the 70-85% range judging from how hazy the
mountains were in the distance. Here are the results:
1. After 20 minutes of driving on the highway at 55-60 mph, with the AC
temp on the coldest setting, fan on 1 and outside air selected, the
temperature at the right center dash outlet was 42F. I don't have a
thermometer that I can stick into the outlet, so we held one up against
the face of the outlet (the plastic housing around the thermometer was
too big to fit into the outlet).
2. After a stop, we drove another 15 miles at the same speeds and the
same settings other than the fan speed set on 3. The temp only got down
to 52F in this configuration.
3. On the way home, I drove non-stop for more than 30 minutes with the
settings above other than using fan speed 2. I placed the thermometer
on the center console beverage holder door. When I got home, the temp
was still 80F at console level. I don't know what it was at head level,
but likely a couple of degrees warmer. Only being able to drop the
temperature 12 degrees below ambient after 30 minutes of driving just
doesn't impress me.
It appears that the AC is functioning per specification judging from the
outlet temps, but it just can't remove heat fast enough on a hot and
sunny day. I'm now wondering if the combination of the low-end window
treatment and the blue exterior color is the reason. Any others out
there with a GL model that are willing to share their AC experience?