02 Elantra Spark Plugs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Blue Flash
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i wish we had a elantra gt =)
Blue Flash said:
Thanks for the great advice... sounds like what I said (see previous
posts). If I had damaged a plug wire, the Old Champions wouldn't work

The bottom line is.... that wasn't my question.... was looking for some
similar experiences and see if anybody had figured out what was up. If
you have an answer to the question, that would be cool.... but I really
wasn't thinking of salvaging the car for a set of bad plugs. I'm not the
kind of guy that gets great pleasure out of giving money away for parts
that don't work.... just wanted to know if anybody had any later info on
the autolites, if this is a relatively common issue, etc. It's the
principle.... Like I said in the previous post, it sounds like you haven't
heard of this happening before.... That answer will suffice.

20 years in physics & engineering has taught me that, if there is a
problem, it's best to try and see if you can get to the bottom of the
problem before you fix it and recreate the problem again.... If the
answers I've gotten here are a reflection on reality, then it must be a
fluke.... I may just be the rare individual that bought 4 bad plugs. If
you'll stop trying to sell me NGKs, I might go get some... otherwise, just
out of spite, I'll by NDs! (hehhe ... just pickin on ya.... ) The answer
was obvious from the beginning that I would need new plugs.... but as a
physicist, I was looking for the "why" part of the equation.
im with u on that one, one electrode is enough
Brian Nystrom said:
I've had good luck with Bosch plugs and wires in general, but these days
they seem to be more about hype than substance when it comes to their
plugs. Really, how many electrodes does a spark plug need? One does the
job just fine.

I've heard conflicting reports about Bosch plugs in the Elantra, but I
haven't tried them. When my stock plugs are shot, I'll install NGK V-Power
copper plugs.
I'd say start a post on the cupping problem.... I've never met an Elantra
owner that DIDN'T have a problem with it. The dealers apparently all have a
consensus that it's because the tires aren't rotated often enough... Put
95000 miles on a set of MX4s on my Saturn with ONE rotation.... Running
about 1000 to 1500 miles a week as a consultant...

The Michellins were ruined in less than 40K on the Elantra... but I kept
them rotated. The dealers insist it is properly aligned. Insist there is
no problem. I started having problems and found this group and had A LOT of
company...... start a post with a title like "Michellin Tire cupping on
Elantra".... you'll be amazed at the responses you get. You must be new
here, right?

Thanks for all the great answers, but maybe you really should get some info
Yeah, yeah.... :-) Actually, I've pretty much resigned myself to the car
eating tires.... but until this plug problem, it really has been pretty good
to me, but my bike is becoming more my main transportation now.... more hp
and only 500 lbs. Of course, maintenance will kill ya on a decent sport
bike unless you do it all yourself... tires are only good for about 5K....
but it's SO much more fun to ride.... waterproof riding suits help.

By the way, the local parts store would be delighted to "special order" some
NGK plugs for me... fortunately, they did have some Bosch plugs... they're
working fine...
Blue said:
I'd say start a post on the cupping problem.... I've never met an Elantra
owner that DIDN'T have a problem with it. The dealers apparently all have a
consensus that it's because the tires aren't rotated often enough... Put
95000 miles on a set of MX4s on my Saturn with ONE rotation.... Running
about 1000 to 1500 miles a week as a consultant...

The Michellins were ruined in less than 40K on the Elantra... but I kept
them rotated. The dealers insist it is properly aligned. Insist there is
no problem. I started having problems and found this group and had A LOT of
company...... start a post with a title like "Michellin Tire cupping on
Elantra".... you'll be amazed at the responses you get. You must be new
here, right?

I've been here for over a year and don't recall seeing anything about
tire cupping in that time. I haven't seen anything on other Elantra
sites, either. People do complain about wearing the Michelins out
quickly, but that's all I've seen.

What are you running for tire pressures? The recommended front tire
pressure (30 psi) is way too low for the load they handle. The general
consensus seems to be that running the tires at ~36/32 front/rear is the
way to go. It improves the handling substantially and results in much
more even tire wear. Installing a Tiburon rear sway bar dramatically
improves the handling with much flatter cornering and also helps to even
out the tire wear.

So far, I've seen no evidence of cupping on my Michelins, but I've only
got ~12-14K miles on them. They get rotated once a year when I take the
snow tires/wheels off in the spring and put the stock wheels and tires
back on. I'm on my second summer with them now.
Blue said:
By the way, the local parts store would be delighted to "special order" some
NGK plugs for me... fortunately, they did have some Bosch plugs... they're
working fine...

That's good to hear. I was somewhat skeptical of the reports I've heard
about problems with Bosch plugs in the Elantra.

Apparently the Autolites are a mismatch. Perhaps they just don't make
the exact plug needed for the Elantra and tried to substitute something
"close". I guess it's not close enough.
I've been here for over a year and don't recall seeing anything about
tire cupping in that time. I haven't seen anything on other Elantra
sites, either. People do complain about wearing the Michelins out
quickly, but that's all I've seen.

Ditto. Never heard of cupping problems and been reading this group since
Jan 04. Going to have my GT serviced in the next few weeks, and will ask
about cupping/even wear at that time. I've had my GT since Jan 04, and have
around 22k miles on it. IIRC the tires have been rotated twice, and as of
the last inspection were wearing fairly evenly.
Neil said:
Ditto. Never heard of cupping problems and been reading this group since
Jan 04. Going to have my GT serviced in the next few weeks, and will ask
about cupping/even wear at that time. I've had my GT since Jan 04, and have
around 22k miles on it. IIRC the tires have been rotated twice, and as of
the last inspection were wearing fairly evenly.

No cupping problems here after 26k miles on my wife's 01 Elantra GLS.
I recently swapped out the MXV4 Michelins for a set of Kumho ECSTA HP4
716s mainly because the Michelins were dreadful in the wet. The Kumhos
are much better than the Michelins, especially in the wet, plus they're
much quieter on the highway.

FWIW, I rotate the tires every 5k miles and I end up getting a 4 wheel
alignment about every 10-12k miles mostly because the roads here in
metro Boston are in such bad shape.
If you take the car into the dealer, they should be able to put it back into
spec so that it'll cup the tires. They might even do it under warranty.
:-) I just casually mentioned the tire problem. I'm really not looking for
any help there, but thanks anyway. To me it's like an old British
motorcycle.... you just learn to live with the oil leaks.

If you haven't heard about the cupping problem, then I guess you might just
not have been paying close attention... or it just wasn't a concern to
you.... The claim was often that it was an "inherent" problem with
independent rear suspension systems. Hence, I don't rely too much on
"concensus" opinions... It's all physics. I can deal with that... Give them
another 5 to 10 thousand miles and pay close attention.... the vibration
will slowly creep in, and when it does, it's really too late. You can run
32, 34 psi in the tires... whatever... it really won't matter. You should
start to notice it first under braking. Watch closely on the inside edges.
That's where the flat spots will start...
Could be..... I was hoping somebody could confirm that.... Then again, I
could be the only guy that ever got garbage plugs like that... COULD
happen... Still, I don't like spending money at Wally World anyway, and I
certainly don't like just donating it to them.... I was just looking for
some concrete info as to what might be the issue. Just may not be enough of
a problem to show itself much.
I've been here since about late 02... Maybe you guys just came in too late.
Once I hit about 30 to 35K miles on the Michellins, I started noticing the
vibrations..... by then, it was too late to save em... I just drove the
massage machine until I got tired of it, and then bought better rain tires
that were 1/2 the price of the MX4s. The misconception, though, is that
these tires wear out quickly and are poorly made. Unfortunately, that's
just simply not true. They hydroplane on water and don't stick to wet
pavement worth a darn, but they stick like razors on the dry stuff.

On other small cars you can expect 90,000+ miles. I got that out of one set
on a Saturn SL2, even when I was racing back and forth from Knoxville TN to
Chillicothe OH and back every weekend. I could go door to door in under 4
hours. That's 326 miles per MSN Maps..... about 1/3 of the trip is tight,
twisty 2-lane backroads ... that might give you an idea of how hard I ran
those tires..... They started to drift rather predictably, so it was easy to
push them to the edge, and the speed limiter on the Saturn kicked in at
117.... Over 1/2 of the 90,000 miles I got out of that set was at high speed
and hard cornering... They DO last a long time... just not on an Elantra.
It's not the tires that are the problem.
Blue Flash said:
I've been here since about late 02... Maybe you guys just came in too late.

I've been lurking here, trying to get anecdotal information regarding
the Elantra, since before we bought the 2001 GLS. Yours is the first
post I've seen referring to cupping.

A google search of alt.autos.hyundai shows that you are the only one
who has complained of this problem.

Also, I researched the entire Elantra archive at hyundau-forums.com
and there are exactly zero references to this problem.
Well, ok, but I was pretty involved in some of the threads... that was about
the time my vibration started... I'm not making it up... swear... you guys
can tell me it's not so..... but I was young in the 60s.... don't think it
was a flashback.....
Blue said:
Well, ok, but I was pretty involved in some of the threads... that was about
the time my vibration started... I'm not making it up... swear... you guys
can tell me it's not so..... but I was young in the 60s.... don't think it
was a flashback.....

I don't think anyone here is disputing that you had problems with your
tires cupping. It would be pretty stupid to argue that. The issue is
whether it's a common problem, possibly caused by a design flaw. The
lack of other cupping complaints indicates that's probably not the case.
Blue said:
Could be..... I was hoping somebody could confirm that.... Then again, I
could be the only guy that ever got garbage plugs like that... COULD
happen... Still, I don't like spending money at Wally World anyway, and I
certainly don't like just donating it to them.... I was just looking for
some concrete info as to what might be the issue. Just may not be enough of
a problem to show itself much.
There is one way to find out. Try swapping in one Autolite at a time to
see if the engine misfires. You may find that you have one bad plug.
True... since you weren't involved in the other problems, they didn't exist.
Must be those drugs I didn't do in the 60's that makes me remember the
people that I didn't discuss it with that obviously didn't have the
problem.... I work with two people with the same problem, and discussed it
with a number of others here. I'm sorry, next time we'll make sure we hunt
you down ....

Whatever you do, always assume that you're ignorance of information is proof
that it doesn't exist...

Have a nice day... I have better things to do than waste my time trying to
explain these things to a self-proclaimed orb of knowledge...
If you will notice my FIRST post... I did that. The answer to my question
(not yours) is that you guys don't have any knowledge of a systemic problem
here..... I'm done here....
Blue Flash said:
True... since you weren't involved in the other problems, they didn't exist.
Must be those drugs I didn't do in the 60's that makes me remember the
people that I didn't discuss it with that obviously didn't have the
problem.... I work with two people with the same problem, and discussed it
with a number of others here. I'm sorry, next time we'll make sure we hunt
you down ....

Whatever you do, always assume that you're ignorance of information is proof
that it doesn't exist...

If there was a thread about Elantra tire problems in this newsgroup a
Google search would have revealed it. But it didn't because there was
none. If the alleged design flaw was as widespread as you claim it
would have had at least *some* mention at hyundai-forums.com. But it
did not.
Have a nice day... I have better things to do than waste my time trying to
explain these things to a self-proclaimed orb of knowledge...

Oh, come on, Brian didn't say anything out of line. If you could
substantiate what you claim there would be no problem. I did my Google
search not to discredit you but to find out to what degree the problem
actually exists because I don't want my wife driving a fundamentally
flawed vehicle back and forth to work.

As I said before, I could not find anything in the archives of this
newsgroup or at hyundai-forums.com referring to abnormal tire wear on
any Hyundai.
jc said:
If there was a thread about Elantra tire problems in this newsgroup a
Google search would have revealed it. But it didn't because there was
none. If the alleged design flaw was as widespread as you claim it
would have had at least *some* mention at hyundai-forums.com. But it
did not.

Sorry you couldn't find it. It's been a while. I'm sure the archived have
been purged since then.... most NGs only keep archives for a year or 2....
it's been 3. You also said (I believe) that you only had about 20K? on the
tires. I'd like to see a progress post at 40K if you would. Tires that go
90K miles without a hitch on other cars, but only 1/2 that on a Hyundai does
not indicate a bad tire.... hence, sounds like a car problem. I'm sure Tina
will be really excited to hear that she really didn't have the flat spots on
her tires at 35K, and that she really didn't have to replace the tires.
Oh, come on, Brian didn't say anything out of line. If you could
substantiate what you claim there would be no problem. I did my Google
search not to discredit you but to find out to what degree the problem
actually exists because I don't want my wife driving a fundamentally
flawed vehicle back and forth to work.

So I take it you didn't see the initial post either. Brian kept trying to
answer a different question that I asked, and when I repeatedly noted that
my question was regarding information on Autolites and bad plugs... etc....
In my first or second post, I said that I had put the new plugs in, it
didn't run... old ones back in, it ran. replaced one at a time with the
Autolites, it backfired / sputtered after only two.... used two different
autolites, same result. It took umteen dozen posts of him telling me what
plugs to buy and where to get them.... (WRONG QUESTION)... and even after
repeatedly noting that I was well aware of how to make the car right and
noting that I was perfectly aware that NGK made new plugs, he refused to
accept that the answer to the only question he seemed to know was some
how.... the answer to the wrong question. However, he managed to tap his
intellectual power to finally suggest that I do what I said I did right up

By the way, when I went to get plugs, I believe you mentioned Bosch plugs,
and when I saw they were available, I went with them.... of course, that's
after NGK was a "special order" and NDs weren't even on the list. You got
in late, and with Brian trying to sell me plugs, I'm sure that's what you
would have thought it was about. It wasn't. I appreciate you trying to
help. However, if you ask what the torque specs are on the head bolt for
the Hyundai, and I took off on a tear insisting that you buy XYZ head gasket
over and over.... arguing with anything you say until you realized that you
don't know what your questions is...... would that eventually become
irritating? As I told Brian several times.... I guess then the answer to my
question is "No, you don't know of any systemic problems with the autolite
plugs"..... (that's not a quote from a previous post... but if you look
you'll see it). I was fine with that, but he seemed to be determined that
somehow I was going to learn something from his limitless inventory of
irrelevant knowledge...

It's pretty rare that a NG keeps archives for more than a couple years. I'm
sure by now that those issues have been purged. Since I couldn't get any
reasonable answers to my questions, I dropped out of the NG for quite a
while. I'm sure a lot of others got frustrated as well and bugged out,
looking for a better source.
As I said before, I could not find anything in the archives of this
newsgroup or at hyundai-forums.com referring to abnormal tire wear on
any Hyundai.
I'm not surprised, (see above re: archiving) but you weren't there. Brian
(according to his first comment) wasn't there either. Of course, after I
noted the time frame that I got the info, Brian went back in time and added
another year to his time on the NG. Convenient... However, as I also noted
in a previous post.... I DON'T NEED HELP ON THE TIRE ISSUE. It's the way it
is, and if I find a solution, then I'll be glad to share... of course since
it's really not a problem, then maybe I won't. However, I greatly
appreciate you two going to such great extremes to let me know that the
money spent and experiences I've had were really just trips to the twilight

It appears from your posts that you are trying to help, and I appreciate
that. I only mentioned the tire issue in passing, thinking since there HAD
been so much info flying around a few years ago that it was fairly common
knowledge. Brian's tires hadn't cupped either... of course, he doen't have
many miles on them either, or is he the one that replaced them at 10K??
hmmm... You are at least trying to only provide info that you can back up,
and I appreciate it.

As I may have implied before, I haven't posted to this NG in quite a while.
This is probably my first post in over a year. As I recall from before, we
had a good group of people that really were trying to help each other
resolve issues, share info, etc. I miss that. Hyundaitech is a really good
source of info, and adds a lot to the group. However, I guess I'll just
have to ignore the bogus posts from now on if I resort to asking a question
again, but right now that looks like an unlikely scenario.

Soap box back in the closet....
pressure vented to atmospheric.....
Blue Flash exits the NG in search of a better source of info....
Sorry you couldn't find it. It's been a while. I'm sure the archived have
been purged since then.... most NGs only keep archives for a year or 2....
it's been 3.

I believe that Google archive all postings and don't purge. Perhaps if
you'd take the time to provide evidence of the tire issues rather than rant
at people who say they can't find any evidence, you'd live a little longer.

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