Would you buy another Hyundai?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by irwell, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. irwell

    irwell Guest

    If not, what would be your choice?
    irwell, Apr 7, 2007
  2. Buying today? Yes. But I only have 12,000 miles and six months on my Sonata.
    Perfect so far. Ask me again after I've had it for four years or so.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Apr 7, 2007
  3. irwell

    Richard Guest

    Yes but not from the dealer that I bought the last 3 from in Weatherford
    Texas USA

    Richard, Apr 7, 2007
  4. irwell

    Jack Cassidy Guest

    In a heartbeat! (2005 Accent 5 speed.)
    But, Not from the crooked dealership that I bought this one from.

    Jack Cassidy
    Jack Cassidy, Apr 7, 2007
  5. irwell

    Krazy Kanuck Guest

    Yes....got two now a SF and a Sonata.....Good dealer, in Regina SK
    Canada....treats you right!.....

    ....Del Sur Al Norte...Regina Sk. Canada Latin and South American Folk dance
    Krazy Kanuck, Apr 7, 2007
  6. irwell

    Smee Guest

    Yes, but not going to. I got most of my family to buy Hyundais 2
    Elantras and 1 Entourage (Actually 3 Elantras selling mine to family
    member). Nothing against them but they just don't have what I'm
    looking for right now.
    After looking around for the past few months I have decide on A Chevy
    Equinox as my next vehicle. Thought about the Tucson and a Murano but
    the Chevy is a happy medium, plus $1000 of because of my GM credit card.
    Smee, Apr 7, 2007
  7. irwell

    PMDR Guest

    Yes, but... I am at roughly 10 months and 8000 miles on my Sonata
    with relatively few issues and lots of smiles.

    As for the "yes but" part... Looking back, I wish I'd waited for the
    new Santa Fe. It just would have been the better choice for me.
    PMDR, Apr 7, 2007
  8. irwell

    KWW Guest

    Maybe. I found a GREAT dealer in Plano, TX, Huffines (bought our 2nd one
    there), and a crooked dealer in Mesquite...(bought our 3rd one there).

    However, Hyundais are getting expensive enough that they are losing their
    cost - effective appeal. They still have their relative ease of maintenance
    going for them, however they are not as fuel (or emission) efficient as,
    say, Honda. Also, for the $$, surprisingly enough, GM cars are catching up
    fast... believe me that is hard for me to admit.... I have lothed them for
    30 years - but they seem to have gotten their act together (almost too

    So either a GM or a Honda would probably be my next car.... or a vintage
    Porsche 911 if I won the lottery ;).
    KWW, Apr 7, 2007
  9. I already did. This is my second one. Yes, I would buy another, but not
    until this one dies.
    Brian Nystrom, Apr 7, 2007
  10. irwell

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I'd buy another Hyundai possibly, but probably not another standard
    shift. Their throttle/clutch combination in my Sonata is the pits.

    I'd like to get a BMW, Audi or maybe VW as the Germans know how to make
    a standard shift vehicle. If I buy another minivan, I'll consider a
    Hyundai, but my next purchase will likely be a truck to replace my 94
    Chevy and it likely will be another Chevy.

    I'm going to test drive a Tundra today as Toyota says they will give me
    a $50 Home Depot gift certificate if I do. That is enough incentive for
    me! :)

    Matt Whiting, Apr 7, 2007
  11. irwell

    ']['unez Guest

    Most DEFINATELY Im waiting for the full size luxuary version to come here, I
    already have 3 in my family, my wife has a 2003 Santa Fe, I have a 2005
    XG50L and my daughter has a 2007 Tucson... Also in the family is my
    Father-in laws 2003 Sonata and my Brother-in laws 2007 Accent.

    ']['unez, Apr 7, 2007
  12. irwell

    Deck Guest

    I have an 03 Elantra and an 06 Sonata LX. Like both cars. The Elantra for
    around town. The Sonata would be good on the highway if it didn't have
    those 17 inch HARD tires..Probably buy another Mercury Grand Marquis for
    the road. I got better mileage on my last Merc than I'm getting on this
    Sonara..and it rode a whale of a lot better!!
    Deck, Apr 7, 2007
  13. irwell

    Deck Guest

    also might consider an entourage
    Deck, Apr 7, 2007
  14. I won't argue that GM's are catching up fast. But, being a recovering GM
    apologist, I can tell you they are still nowhere's near where they have to
    be to start being competitive again.

    Still way too many problems I can only define as "GM'isms." I have an '03
    Oldsmobile, and I, for one, am not seeing near the improvements I need to

    Domestics are only slowly and begrudgingly starting to try to address their
    3rd-rate powertrains - like the one currently in the Equinox (do not see why
    someone would think that vehicle is perfect for them). And GM's continue to
    have some of the worst seats in the industry.

    Now GM has just recently come out with a new 3.6L V6, being matched to
    either a 5- or 6-speed transmission. This is looking like a seriously good
    powertrain, but up until now, they are refusing to put it into vehicles like
    the Equinox (though it is now in the Equinox-based Suzuki XL-7).

    But until they get more history, and more of a dedicated willingness to do
    these kinds of things, right now Hyundai runs circles around GM.

    And Hyundai, by the way, is the only car company that Honda is taking
    seriously - and Hyundai and Honda are the two companies GM is studying the
    most for "how to do it right."
    Rev. Tom Wenndt, Apr 7, 2007
  15. irwell

    Matt Whiting Guest

    That is pretty dumb since Toyota is clearly the leader in almost every
    front in the auto industry. It is pretty sad when the car companies
    can't even figure out who is in first.

    Matt Whiting, Apr 7, 2007
  16. irwell

    twospirits Guest

    Yes, and I already have. I had the 2002 Santa Fe LX and just recently
    traded it in for the 2007 model. By the time I get rid of this model,
    they would probably have a hybrid version out and that will be the
    next one for me to get. If not, it would be the Veracruz.

    twospirits, Apr 7, 2007
  17. irwell

    :-\)Liz Guest

    Huffiness Hyundai of Plano is great...that where I got my 2005 Elantra...and
    yes, I'll buy another Hyundai. :) Liz
    :-\)Liz, Apr 7, 2007
  18. irwell

    who Guest

    Obviously he should have had Toyota first or second.

    At our auto show I felt the Tucson would fit my needs, if it had a full
    sized spare. It looks like it would take one, if that foam spacer was
    cut thinner.
    The dealer didn't impress me by saying they didn't factory install a
    full sized spare so the narrow spare would remind one to fix the flat.
    who, Apr 7, 2007
  19. irwell

    Tom Guest

    Hey Matt,
    Let me know how your Toyota experience was today. I have tried to but a
    truck from them a couple of times but the snotty buggers wouldn't deal. My
    'salesman' didn't even know how to open the hood! And all the dealerships
    I've been to make you go through the showroom to get to the cars, where you
    are immediately accosted (sp?) by salesmen. Very bad experiences.
    I'd buy another Hyundai if they get a hybrid, pickup, or a diesel, which is
    what this country really needs. Incidentally, I have a VW and right now, VW
    has the WORST maintenance and problem record of anyone. Stay away from VW
    until the Krauts figure out what they should be doing.


    Tom, Apr 7, 2007
  20. irwell

    Tom Guest

    The Grand Marquis always was a great deal and a wonderful cruising car. I
    loved mine and you're right the mileage for a V8 was really good. Great car
    and they used to almost give them away, if you dealt with them.

    Tom, Apr 7, 2007
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