Would you buy again ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by desgnr, Aug 24, 2007.

  1. desgnr

    Steve R. Guest

    Steve R., Aug 27, 2007
  2. desgnr

    Zeppo Guest

    I'd have to agree with you on that one. The 3 Honda's I've had were manuals
    and they all had a really sweet clutch.

    We're an all automatic family now, though. Arthritis in my clutch foot.

    Zeppo, Aug 27, 2007
  3. I too have 07 Sonata Limited and LOVE it. I love everything about it -
    style, comfort, ride, style, and most important maintenance (of which
    there has been none).

    The one thing I don't like is the gas mileage. I only get 16 in the
    city (V6) and I was really hoping for 20 at least.

    Souza in San Francisco, Aug 29, 2007
  4. desgnr

    nothermark Guest

    only if they bring back the Elantra 5 dr

    nothermark, Aug 29, 2007
  5. desgnr

    Pit's Guest

    WITHOUT hesitation . We operate a large number of vehicles
    and this years NF Sonata FOUR!!! 2.4 motor
    Has been more than fantastic
    80% is over dirt roads

    A few Honda and BMW folk have also made the switch
    and On a Scale of 10 give it a FULL 10 And we are covering 6000 Km a
    Just a truly fantastic car

    Considering I wanted the Caprice or BMW This product is one of the
    most pleasant surprises of vehicles ever
    Can send photos of the conditions it operates in

    NO dust leeks
    NO rattles
    NO squeks
    No service or tune issues
    OUTstanding fuel economy av 7.9 litres per 100 K's at an average
    speed of 85-90km per hour
    Thing is as tough as guts
    enjoy if/when you get one
    Pit's, Aug 30, 2007
  6. desgnr

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from "razz" <> (Sun, 26 Aug 2007 09:47:06)
    about "Re: Would you buy again ?":

    r> And you call CR unbiased? One of the most biased medias I know of.

    I agree with you. For years I would not subscribe to CR because of this
    perception and also the fact that their reviews are not really intended for
    'car people'. I am now a subscriber but for products other than cars. I
    take their reviews with a grain of salt.

    The point I was making was, despite the presence of many knowledgeable
    people here, there are also those who are here for the purpose of peddling
    mis-information about Hyundais.

    I merely mentioned CR because, perceived bias aside, it would probably have
    a legitimately balanced viewpoint.

    Wayne Moses <> Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:27:53 -0500

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Aug 30, 2007
  7. desgnr

    GP Guest

    coming up to 400,000km on mine, I would if my Elantra quits (don't know
    GP, Sep 1, 2007
  8. desgnr

    jtees4 Guest

    I currently own three Hyundais. Here is my answer. Yes, No, Yes. In
    that order.
    jtees4, Sep 5, 2007
  9. 'Would you buy again ?

    REPLY: Yes. Im on my second Hyundai and ive bought my folks two as
    well. The reliability has more than surpassed my expectations with
    45,000 miles on my current 2002 SantaFe , and fuel economy has actually
    increased since replacing the spark plugs with Bosch Plus 4 plugs along
    with performance type Ignition Wires fairly recently. I like the
    styling, comfort, sound system, soft ride, and outstanding warranty.
    Hyundai has earned my loyalty and respect. Its amazing how this Company
    has gone from making crap back in the 1980's to enjoying a good
    American and worldwide market share.
    Dave in Lake Villa, Sep 6, 2007
  10. desgnr

    Deck Guest

    I want to win the lottery but, alas, it isn't in the cards. you get what
    you get!
    Deck, Sep 6, 2007
  11. desgnr

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from jtees4 <> (Wed, 05 Sep 2007 11:40:
    14) about "Re: Would you buy again ?":

    j> I currently own three Hyundais. Here is my answer. Yes, No, Yes. In
    j> that order.

    You sound confused ... ;-)

    Wayne Moses <> Wed, 05 Sep 2007 22:45:24 -0500

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Sep 6, 2007
  12. desgnr

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from (Dave in Lake Villa) (Wed,
    05 Sep 2007 18:13:05) about "Re: Would you buy again ?":

    D> SantaFe , and fuel economy has actually increased since replacing the
    D> spark plugs with Bosch Plus 4 plugs along with performance type
    D> Ignition Wires fairly recently.

    Can you quantify this increase? What wires did you get and was your radio
    reception affected?

    When I had my Elantra GT and put Plus 4s in it with stock wires I saw no
    change in fuel economy.

    Wayne Moses <> Wed, 05 Sep 2007 22:47:13 -0500

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Sep 6, 2007
  13. desgnr

    What Guest

    Hyundai on a national scale is very good. I have had no problems at all
    with my 2003 XG350 but the local dealership is nothing more than a thief
    and robber and does one thing when the company says do something else. The
    local dealer here is Reliable Imports and I would recommend that they
    drive 250 miles for service to stay away from them. They take a required
    maintainance at 30,000 miles at about a 100 dollar cash outlay and turn it
    into about a 750 dollar bullshit, "if it ain't broke fix it anyway" type
    experience. Love the product. Hate the sons a bitches that service them.
    What, Sep 6, 2007
  14. desgnr

    jtees4 Guest

    I would agree with that based on my local dealer. I took my wifes 05
    there because of a low (very low) brake pedal. They told me problem
    was rear brake pads.They tried to rob me for rear brake pads at $275
    when they were not necessary. They told me they had 15% life left. I
    replaced them myself ($40 for the good ones) to be safe and their was
    at least 50% life left (I have the pads to prove it). They returned my
    car saying nothing was wrong. I brought it back a second time after
    writing a letter of complaint to the servicxe manager...they had the
    car for over two weeks. Said it needed a new master cylinder (what
    happened to nothing being wrong with it?)but couldn't get the part.
    Three different days they told me the part was in and it would be done
    the next day. What a horror show this dealer turned out to be. Anyway,
    brakes are still lower than they should be but are a little better. I
    called Hyundai main serice and they want me to bring it back a third
    time to give the dealer a chance. I said no way, two strikes is
    enough. The bottom line, is I have three Hyundais and love them
    all...I think the 05 is not nearly as well built as the 03 and 07
    though. I can see the difference and feel the difference. I have said
    this since day one before we ever had a problem with it. But I'd still
    buy another Hyundai based on my overall experience. And I will be
    bringing it to another dealer when necessary. I generally do some
    small work myself and use a neighborhood mechani for the rest. Dealer
    will be for warranty only. Anyway, I agree with your post is the
    jtees4, Sep 7, 2007
  15. 'and fuel economy has actually increased since replacing the D> spark
    plugs with Bosch Plus 4 plugs along with performance type D> Ignition
    Wires fairly recently. '

    YOU :Can you quantify this increase? What wires did you get and was your
    radio reception affected?

    ME : I picked up another 1-1.5 mpg in fuel economy both around town and
    highway going 60 mph. Radio reception was not affected. I cant
    remember the name of the Ignition Wire Set i bought at a local Car Parts
    place, but i asked if they had access to Higher Performance type
    Ignition wires for hyundai , and they did. Ill research this more
    tomorrow and let you know.
    Dave in Lake Villa, Sep 8, 2007
  16. desgnr

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from (Dave in Lake Villa) (Fri,
    07 Sep 2007 21:38:15) about "Re: Fuel Mileage increase due to plugs and

    D> ME : I picked up another 1-1.5 mpg in fuel economy both around town and
    D> highway going 60 mph. Radio reception was not affected. I cant remember
    D> the name of the Ignition Wire Set i bought at a local Car Parts place,
    D> but i asked if they had access to Higher Performance type Ignition
    D> wires for hyundai , and they did. Ill research this more tomorrow and
    D> let you know.

    Much appreciated. Thanks for the numbers also.

    Wayne Moses <> Sat, 08 Sep 2007 23:23:44 -0500

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Sep 10, 2007
  17. desgnr

    Mad E Moe Guest

    DEFINITELY ! I'm on Hyundai number 7 , a big plus are forums like this
    where I can get technical info and avdice where I can do most repairs
    myself (Like replaceing clutches )
    Mad E Moe, Sep 24, 2007
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