Why aren't gas prices dropping?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Gordo, Jun 27, 2003.

  1. Gordo

    John Bradley Guest

    Interesting retort. It shows the distortion of labels in the current
    Rushvironment of political discourse. The 'public resource' position is
    truly mainline Conservative. The 'gouge the proletariat' position is one
    direct from the Kompassionate Konservative Kristians running the appointed
    government and manipulating the Fox propaganda machine. But then again, the
    Rich are different from you and me, aren't they?
    90 Q and 83 911SC
    John Bradley, Aug 27, 2003
  2. Kompassionate Konservative Kristians running the appointed

    wrestleantares, Aug 27, 2003
  3. Gordo

    Miles Guest

    I think you both labeled yourselves. Liberals won't allow domestic oil
    development but when gas prices rise blame a republican....go figure.
    Miles, Aug 27, 2003
  4. Gordo

    Miles Guest

    LOL...talk about labels....Rushvironment (I don't care for him myself),
    Conservative, Kompassionate (Is K an attempt to label conservatives
    commies?, if so thats very typical behaviour for naive far lefties. As
    far as Fox goes all media are propaganists...from both sides, so whats
    your point? Ahhh....now the last line says it all....wealth envy, now
    thats VERY far lefty mentality. If the shoe fits......
    Miles, Aug 27, 2003
  5. I want my atomic powered handguns, my flying cars, and my home
    biosphere dammit.

    *Shakes Fist*

    NOTE: This is crossposted, so some of us have not spoken by buying
    korean econo-boxes, but by buying gas guzzling SUV's and performance
    wrestleantares, Aug 27, 2003
  6. Gordo

    mikltaz Guest

    By having a distaste for supply side economics that means you want all of
    our lives to be regulated. I think we should have less regulation and let
    the market decide what is best. prices go up when supply is tight. prices
    go down when supply is plentiful. H2 may be a nice pipe dream but is
    impracticle in the everyday supply chain.
    mikltaz, Aug 28, 2003
  7. Gordo

    mikltaz Guest

    What are you smoking? Did you ever think that since the majority of people
    think this way that just MAYBE your viewpoint MIGHT be wrong. YOU are truly
    mikltaz, Aug 28, 2003
  8. Gordo

    Miles Guest

    Thats great. I'd rather have alternatives too. But then you should
    expect high prices for oil/gas as a result of preventing domestic oil
    development. But thats not what happens.

    Thats typical of the wealth envy crowd. I have a distaste for corrupt
    big business. Contrary to how most liberals seem to feel, most wealthy
    business owners got wealthy through a ton of hard work and are far from
    the evil rich greedy types painted on them by so many. I have a
    distaste for those wanting to punish them for being successfull.
    Miles, Aug 28, 2003
  9. Gordo

    Nikoli Yetti Guest

    Believe you/me I don't have wealth envy, but I wish I did. I miss having
    inspiration and asperations. I to have a distaste for corrupt big business.
    The problem is those corrupt big business embrace and exploit supply side
    economics. In theory, supply side economics would work great if it were not
    for the corrupt big business. In theory communism works. The problem is,
    that it seems that a vast majority of big businesses are corrupt. I will
    agree there are some business owners who became financially successful by
    hard work and honesty and not over extending credit. I'm one of them. Not
    only this, but I am one of them who drives a Hyundai. :)
    Nikoli Yetti, Aug 28, 2003
  10. Gordo

    CyberBMcD Guest

    Nikoli Yetti wrote:

    I think we all have

    Uh as far as fuel efficient, aside from Nissan,
    Hyundai is the LEAST fuel efficient foreign car
    (not including all those luxury guzzlers)
    CyberBMcD, Aug 28, 2003
  11. Gordo

    Neil Guest

    One more semi-OT thought: As another poster in another newsgroup
    pointed out, oil is the weapon of mass destruction. Its pollution
    poisons us all, we damage our economy by sending money overseas to buy
    it, we support awful, abusive governments in foreign countries because
    those countries have oil we want, we're addicted to oil, and wars have
    been waged over it. We could reduce the destruction done by oil by
    reducing our dependence on it. Rather than worry about the price of
    gas, we should be learning to live without it.
    Where I live, we have a great mass transit system, only it's
    underutilized. Partly, it's a status thing. Of course, that doesn't
    stop me from using mass transit!
    Honda will soon be supplying the City of Los Angeles with
    fuel-cell-powered cars, BTW.
    Halliburton? Who knows, keeping in mind that Cheney's energy-policy
    work has been kept secret from the public's eye...anyway, if we want a
    better policy, it's pretty obvious that we shouldn't elect two oilmen
    in '04.
    Right now, for those who plan to stick with driving, and are looking
    for something that's pretty easy to find, the best choices (due to
    having the best mileage) are the hybrids from Honda and Toyota. And
    that's sweetened by a $2,000 federal tax incentive.

    Sadly, US makers keep churning out monstrous vehicles, while dragging
    their heels on hybrids. Meanwhile, Honda and Toyota have already
    gained years of real-world experience with hybrids that are already
    available to US consumers.

    Me, I drive an older, conventional car, but mix that with mass
    transit. Sure is nice not to go to the gas station very often! BTW, I
    read today that filling up a Ford Expedition's 44-gallon tank now
    costs $70+, due to higher gas prices, and I've read it's about the
    same $$$ to fill up a Hummer H2. Meanwhile, I can buy an unlimited
    monthly mass-transit pass for $45.
    If you mean the sort of retort you might get in the online world, I
    assume you don't worry about what those people think. I've only read
    the above from you, but you sound pretty middle of the road to me.
    Whoever wins in '04, they'll need voters like you, so it's not a good
    sign for the current administration that you're upset, IMHO.
    Neil, Aug 28, 2003
  12. Gordo

    Guest Guest

    Down here in Southern NSW 95 RON costs ($AUD 0.96) cents per litre. (US
    currency) which at 3.6l per US gallon works out at around $US2.20 per US
    gallon. This is our normal price now.
    Guest, Aug 29, 2003
  13. Gordo

    John Guest

    Hey, George has to take care of his boys
    John, Aug 29, 2003
  14. Gordo

    Steve W. Guest

    One more semi-OT thought: As another poster in another newsgroup
    pointed out, oil is the weapon of mass destruction. Its pollution
    poisons us all, we damage our economy by sending money overseas to buy
    it, we support awful, abusive governments in foreign countries because
    those countries have oil we want, we're addicted to oil, and wars have
    been waged over it. We could reduce the destruction done by oil by
    reducing our dependence on it. Rather than worry about the price of
    gas, we should be learning to live without it.
    Where I live, we have a great mass transit system, only it's
    underutilized. Partly, it's a status thing. Of course, that doesn't
    stop me from using mass transit![/QUOTE]

    Mass transit is fine in the cities, however for many other areas it will
    NEVER work just because of the population density being very low and spread
    over large distances. Buses would not work for the same reason.

    Return on investment on all of these is very poor and until that is worked
    out they will not advance, and the current "solution" of tax breaks and
    rebates to increase usage is stupid, let them stand on their own merits and
    let the chips fall where they may.
    And how much is that going to cost LA to install the support infrastructure
    and service locations as well as the hydrogen (most of which is also cracked
    from petroleum currently) and it's related problems.
    Yep need to elect people WHO HAVE NO CONCEPT HOW ENERGY REALLY WORKS, yep
    thats it, need to put more idiots in there who don't have a clue like the
    prior bunch of liars,thieves,adulterers. yep just what we need.
    No that means your CHEAP, Hyundais are the least fuel efficient and poorest
    built of the foreign imports, well maybe the Yugo could give it a run for
    it's money.
    Again they cannot stand on their own, they have to give people MY money just
    to buy them, yep great plan. Ever heard of free enterprise and choice?
    Toyota happens to have developed their hybrid using GMs money. But if you
    think it is such a great idea to buy them then go ahead. Just hope you don't
    need to replace any parts.
    Good for you. Maybe I CHOOSE to pay to drive my own vehicle for my own
    reasons, OH I guess we can't have that huh. Not good for the rest of my
    comrades in your system.
    Well lets see. Who has the money to spend to open companies and provide
    jobs, not the bum on the park bench or the crack addict on the corner. The
    companies are started by people who WORK HARD TO SUCCEED, then people like
    you come along and bitch about the fact that they have worked their way to
    the top. Of course there are others like the Clintons and the Kennedy's who
    have made their money the real old fashioned way, you know theft, or
    inherited from illegal activities like running illegal alcohol sales and
    bootlegging or real HOT investing in cattle that netted more money in one
    transaction than for anyone else in history and that are VERY shady.

    Steve W., Aug 29, 2003
  15. Gordo

    Ron McGrice Guest

    Thats petrol! They said GAS :)
    Ron McGrice, Aug 29, 2003
  16. Gordo

    Nikoli Yetti Guest

    I think the naive part might mean regarding the amount of our tax dollars
    are spent on corporate welfare, as compared to the bum who is the crack
    addict. Also, the naive part could also mean regarding the Kennedys and the
    Clintons not working hard. I think maybe he should look at how the Bush's
    obtained their money. In particular George W.
    Nikoli Yetti, Aug 29, 2003
  17. Gordo

    Steve W. Guest

    I have looked at how He made his money, Not a single thing illegal about it,
    just some real good investing. Now if you want to tell me how Joe Kennedy
    managed to make his money selling ILLEGAL booze during prohibition and by
    forcing importers to pay a tax on items they import. And how little Teddy
    can drive a car off a bridge and get that all covered up so he didn't get
    hurt, or maybe his kids use of the compound for a LOT of illegal parties. Or
    maybe you would like me to toss Hillary in the mix with her law firm that
    just cannot remember the smallest thing but then she is put in charge of
    health care reform even though she WAS NOT ELECTED, or maybe her hubbies
    illegal contributions from the Chinese or the fact that he GAVE AWAY
    technology to them that was considered top secret. As for Bill or Teddy
    working hard Right, NEITHER ONE OF THEM EVER HELD A PRIVATE JOB, they have
    sucked the publics teat from day one.

    Oh and as far as corporate welfare goes that is nothing compared to what we
    give farmers to NOT grow food or to other groups to NOT perform their
    services simply because we have no place to sell them to. If you read the
    Constitution you will not find ANY OF THE money we give away mentioned. But
    keep putting the die hard Liberals in there and watch how fast they can find
    things to spend it on that they have no right to do.

    Steve W.
    Steve W., Aug 30, 2003
  18. Gordo

    Steve W. Guest

    LOW LOW Blow there, At least you didn't say USED car salesman.....
    Steve W., Aug 30, 2003
  19. Gordo

    Nikoli Yetti Guest

    I have looked at how He made his money, Not a single thing illegal about
    Not illegal, but highly immoral. Telling West Texas farmers that their land
    is worth nothing knowing full well that there is oil underneath is very
    immoral. Also, how did George W. go from being a party animal to a
    $250,000.00 a year job with no experience? I live in Texas, and am family
    friends with alot of people in the oil business, and I can tell you that the
    Bush family has alot of shady dealings here in Texas. Also, Take a look at
    George W. dealings with the Texas Rangers, and how he bilked the residents
    of Arlington, Texas to build a Baseball park using Tax dollars. Sure most
    sporting teams do it this way, but investigate further; and see how George
    W. did it. We will also see in coming months plenty of shady dealings with
    Halliburton, if you haven't noticed some of them already. As far as Bill
    Clinton giving away secrets to the Chinese, I hear this often; but there
    seems to be no evidence of this being true, or even remotely true. As far
    as corporate welfare, I encourage you to look into this further. On farm
    subsidies, there are some good reasons why they exist. But are you sure
    they started with Democrats? On Govt. spending; Reagan and Bush spent more
    of the Govt. money, then all the previous administrations combined. That is
    a fact. Our deficit and debt became ridiculous, devaluing our dollar
    forcing us into the last recession. Now in all fairness Bush Sr. did start
    scaling down the military and closing bases, which did help with some
    defense spending. Clinton comes in, does not raise taxes (along as you made
    below $180,000.00 annually) cut 300,000 non military Govt. jobs, and
    actually slightly increased defense spending, made better foreign relations,
    then we have a budget surplus. I recommend one who accuses liberals of
    increasing spending to look for their own on whose administrations more
    money was spent, and how income taxes were calculated. Don't blame
    Congress, because Veto is not an Italian guy in Brooklyn. There is so much
    misinformation that Liberal increase Govt. spending it is not even funny.
    Nikoli Yetti, Aug 30, 2003
  20. Gordo

    nobody Guest

    You're wasting your time trying to explain things to that one track
    mind. He's a die hard replublican and nothing they do is ever wrong.
    nobody, Aug 30, 2003
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