WebTech dead?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve FZ1, Nov 14, 2004.

  1. Steve FZ1

    Steve FZ1 Guest

    What's up with the Hyundai Service Site? I can get to the welcome page at
    http://www.hmaservice.com./ but that's about it for useful information. The
    "WebTech" link appears to be dead! If they've pulled support on this one,
    where can I find a useful tech reference?

    I've got a 2002 Elantra GT, and it's close to timing belt time.... wanted to
    see if there might be any "gotchas" associated with doing it myself. I know
    that if they didn't put the motor mount through the center of the belt, life
    would be simple...

    Any ideas? info?

    - Steve
    Steve FZ1, Nov 14, 2004
  2. Steve FZ1

    Jason Guest

    Works for me.
    Jason, Nov 14, 2004
  3. Steve FZ1

    Steve FZ1 Guest

    Hmmm... I finally got a note - -only works with IE. I went back to IE, got
    to the site. Then it says to pick a selection from above.... all that is
    above is a white box... COOL!

    One step closer, but still no info...

    - Steve
    Steve FZ1, Nov 14, 2004
  4. Steve FZ1

    nopry Guest

    nopry, Nov 14, 2004
  5. Steve FZ1

    nopry Guest

    nopry, Nov 14, 2004
  6. Steve FZ1

    Steve FZ1 Guest

    The "default" page is the page I was on. Still no change. Do I need to
    enable a different scripting option or something? I haven't had any
    problems like this with any other sites that I can remember....

    I appreciate the try, but it looks like that's where I was to begin with....
    At first, I was using Mozilla FireFox, but i finally got a message that I
    needed at least IE Version 4.2. I am now running Version 6.029.... SP2
    installed. Still no options to choose from..

    - Steve
    Steve FZ1, Nov 14, 2004
  7. I had same problem, but figured out the fix. You are probably running a
    firewall program. When you wish to access the webtech tools, you must
    disable the firewall, before you go to the webtech page. After you are
    finished restore the firewall. Remember disable wall before you go to
    Stanley Schaeffer, Nov 14, 2004
  8. Steve FZ1

    Steve FZ1 Guest

    Thanks for the info! I'll check that out...

    - Steve
    Steve FZ1, Nov 14, 2004
  9. Steve FZ1

    tibbon Guest

    If you upgraded your winxp to 2sp. Then all you have to do is turn off pop
    up stopper or any other programe that blocks pop ups. You should then be
    able to view Web Tech.
    tibbon, Nov 15, 2004
  10. Steve FZ1

    Steve FZ1 Guest

    You got it - thanks! I had turned off pop-up blocker, and that didn't do
    it. I have the XP firewall turned off, but have a router with a software
    firewall that I really didn't want to mess with, and a hardware fire
    wall.... So turning off firewalls put me in a spot.

    Turning off the IE pop-up blocker didn't work, and I had already done
    that... However, when you mentioned it again, it hit me that I've also got
    Norton's pop-up blocker going....

    Web site works! Thanks guys for all the help!

    - Steve
    Steve FZ1, Nov 15, 2004
  11. It's possible that the problem is the firewall included with SP2. I use
    ZoneAlarm and it works fine with Webtech. SP2 also recognized ZoneAlarm
    and disabled the standard firewall. Imagine that, Windows playing nice
    with a third party security app! Whodathunkit?
    Brian Nystrom, Nov 15, 2004
  12. It's no surprise that Norton turned out be the issue. I wouldn't run
    their stuff on my system if they paid me.
    Brian Nystrom, Nov 15, 2004
  13. Steve FZ1

    Steve FZ1 Guest

    Actually, it turned out to be the pop-up blocker, now the firewall. I run
    with the XP firewall off to support the home network, but I have a firewall
    on the router and a hardware firewall on the modem.

    The catch was that, although I had pop-up blocker off on IE, I also had one
    in Norton Internet Security.... turned that off and it all started working.

    - Steve
    Steve FZ1, Nov 16, 2004
  14. Steve FZ1

    Steve FZ1 Guest

    Actually, I've had pretty good luck with Norton Internet Security. The
    blocker only created a problem because I set it up that way. It only took a
    sec to fix it, once I thought about it.

    So what do you use?

    - Steve
    Steve FZ1, Nov 16, 2004
  15. Norton stuff is crap. In my experience, it creates far more problems
    (hogging resources, system slowdowns and freezes, conflicts with other
    apps, etc.) than it solves. Since installing ZoneAlarm, I find that I
    don't need to keep antivirus software on my system. Between my ISP's
    virus scanning of emails, the fact that I removed Outlook and Outlook
    Express from my system and use IE VERY rarely, and basic safe computing
    practices, viruses are simply not an issue. If I have any concerns, I
    run an online virus scanner, but I haven't found a virus yet. My
    girlfriend and her housemate run McAfee antivirus and have constant
    problems related to them. IMO, Norton and McAfee simply aren't worth the
    hassle and definitely aren't worth their exorbitant costs.
    Brian Nystrom, Nov 16, 2004
  16. I posted some details above in answer to your other question.
    Brian Nystrom, Nov 16, 2004
  17. Steve FZ1

    Steve FZ1 Guest

    I see. thanks for the info. It may not be the greatest way to go, but I
    like the security of having the continuous anti-virus scanner going with
    incoming and outgoing messages and files. Since I'm on a couple of other
    newgroups and I do pull some files down, I'd rather that my machine was
    checking them than just relying on the ISP. My ISP has e-mail scanning but
    they aren't looking at all the files that come in through IE.

    With the exception of settings that I have set that have created problems,
    Norton hasn't busted my chops.... it does cut a little speed out, but I seem
    to have enough that it's hardly noticeable. In about 8 years, I have never
    had an infected computer.... Seems to be working for me.... I'm sure a lot
    of that is practicing "safe computing," but I like to have that extra
    margin. I've run nuclear particle transport calcs on this thing, and it
    still cooks faster than the machines I used when I was consulting...
    However, I'll take note of your recommendations..... always worth checking

    Thanks again for your help!

    - Steve
    Steve FZ1, Nov 17, 2004
  18. I download all kinds of software and files and never have problems,
    since I only download from reliable sources. Using IE definitely
    increases your risk level, which is one reason why I used Netscape
    before recently switching to its latest descendent, Mozilla Firefox.
    If you're happy, I'm certainly not going to tell you that you're wrong.
    I've just seen way too many problems with Norton and McAfee products to
    have any interest in using them.

    BTW, here's a site that anyone interested in firewalls and security
    should check out:


    I highly recommend running "Shoot the Messenger", "ShieldsUP!" and
    "LeakTest". They'll tell you exactly how secure your firewall is. The
    default settings in Norton products are apparently as leakproof as a sieve.
    Brian Nystrom, Nov 17, 2004
  19. if you make one mistake you will kill the valves... i would spend the $
    rather than spending 4x's the $ needing a new motor or head....
    CHRIS WALLACE, Nov 28, 2004
  20. I take that you've never replaced a timing belt, have you? It's easy and
    it takes some effort to screw it up. It's also easy to tell if the
    pulleys aren't lined up right and even if you're off by a tooth, it
    won't hurt the engine. It may not run as well and you'll need to correct
    it, but you're not going to destroy the valves or anything else.
    Brian Nystrom, Dec 1, 2004
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