I just bought a used Sonata 2006 with less than 15K. The car is in perfect shape. The AC is not cold enough. I took the car to the dealer (under warranty) and they told me "that cound not find anything wrong". Of course the guy gave me the speech that I have to keep it in recirculating mode, and bla-bla-bla, and it was. Like I never had a car before with AC. Of course the technician could NOT find anything and everything was fine. Or course the car was not under the sun (South Florida sun). I had the car to less than two weeks, and I will return it or get rid of it, if they can't figure this out. I read some post about issues like this....... Could it be that the compressor cycles too much? Is there anyway to make the compressor to stay on longer? Please help....I like the car, but I can't drive like this. Thanks