Tips To Get Better Gas Mileage/Performance!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Blazer, Dec 2, 2006.

  1. Blazer

    Blazer Guest

    Hi, I added a reformulator to my oil crankcase and gas tank and got better Performance and an INCREASE in gas mileage. It works on just about any combustible engine. It works on cars, boats, generators etc. I even use it in my lawn mower, lol. This stuff works. I put 1 ounce per 10 gallons of gasoline in my car and 1 ounce per every quart of oil my crankcase takes. Of course you have to adjust it to put it in smaller engines like in snowmobiles, motorcycles, generators etc.
    You won't get maximun results on your first time you use it, but the more you keep using it, the better the gas mileage. Anything to help with the High Gasoline Prices now days. Here is the link where you can get the fuel reformulator. I hope it helps.
    Blazer, Dec 2, 2006
  2. Blazer

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I sure hope my engine isn't combustible! LOL...

    Matt Whiting, Dec 2, 2006
  3. <url snipped>

    Another jerk-off selling snake oil.
    Anti-spam? I wonder why it didn't prevent him from posting this crap? ;-)
    Brian Nystrom, Dec 5, 2006
  4. Blazer

    ']['unez Guest

    Gee Brian, I didnt know you even had to change the oil in
    a snake !!!!!!!!

    ']['unez, Dec 5, 2006
  5. Yeah, their scales start to squeak if you don't keep 'em lubed.
    Brian Nystrom, Dec 5, 2006
  6. Blazer

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from Brian Nystrom <> (Tue, 05
    Dec 2006 07:07:33) about "Re: Tips To Get Better Gas Mileage/Performance!":

    BN> Another jerk-off selling snake oil.

    Sounds like it.

    BN> Anti-spam? I wonder why it didn't prevent him from posting this
    BN> crap? ;-)

    Ha ha ... oh if it would work in both directions, eh?

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Tue, 05 Dec 2006 18:25:37 -0600

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Dec 6, 2006
  7. Blazer

    ']['unez Guest

    Hmmmmm my wifes scales are starting to make noise, wonder if it would work
    for her ??


    ']['unez, Dec 6, 2006
  8. Blazer

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Quick - tell her to get off of them...
    Mike Marlow, Dec 6, 2006
  9. Blazer

    ']['unez Guest

    I meant her body scales hahahahahahaha

    ']['unez, Dec 6, 2006
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