Suggestions for an independent newsgroup service, please

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jean Castonguay, Nov 8, 2008.

  1. Up to now, I have depended on my ISP newsgroup provider: it is very
    annoying when the ISP switches to another provider; moreover it is
    available only when I am connected to my ISP.

    May I ask your suggestions for independent newsgroup service, free or
    for a fee, that would allow me to access the newsgroups through a news
    reader rather than a browser.

    I am interested in technical newsgroups such as:

    thank your very much in advance.
    Jean Castonguay, Nov 8, 2008
  2. Jean Castonguay

    Ed Pawlowski Guest or Teranews has a one time $4 set up
    charge and both free and pay plans.
    Ed Pawlowski, Nov 8, 2008
  3. Jean Castonguay

    Bob M Guest

    Had the same issue. Switched to Mozarella and haven't missed a tick! Easy
    one time immediate change. You won't miss a beat.
    Bob M, Nov 8, 2008
  4. Jean Castonguay

    Alta47 Guest

    I am reading this and posting here on:


    It's free, no signup, etc.
    Alta47, Nov 13, 2008
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