Stalling in 2002 Sonata

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by ~Fianna, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. ~Fianna

    ~Fianna Guest

    Hey all, I have a 2002 Sonata with ~70k miles on it. Lately it's been
    trying to stall at idle in the heat. I made an appointment at the
    dealership, but they can't see me til next Monday. It is idling low (closer
    to 600RPM) at times, although at other times the idle is normal.
    (~850-900). When I was going through a construction zone, we stopped to let
    a construction truck in to the roadway and when I tried to move forward
    again, the car bucked back and forth a few times and there was a lot of play
    in the gas pedal. I was able to keep moving by pumping the pedal a lot and
    it finally kicked over. I killed the unnecessary power systems and managed
    to get home okay after I paused for a bit at the nearest gas station.

    I was just wondering if anyone had the same problem and what the resolution

    ~Fianna, Jul 9, 2007
  2. ~Fianna

    hyundaitech Guest

    Loose air intake bellows?
    hyundaitech, Jul 10, 2007
  3. ~Fianna

    Steve R. Guest

    Had a similar issue on my old 2002 Sonata with the 4 cyl. Car was acting
    much like mentioned, then finally died.

    July 4th, 2003, Laughlin, NV- 123 degrees!

    MAF Sensor was the culprit. The heat caused an already failing part to burn
    up. Car would start, idle 1-2 secs and die.

    Steve, AZ
    Steve R., Jul 10, 2007
  4. ~Fianna

    ~Fianna Guest

    Thanks for the response, Steve. I'm figureing that it's one of the sensors.
    I'll make sure they check that one when I see them.
    ~Fianna, Jul 13, 2007
  5. 'July 4th, 2003, Laughlin, NV- 123 degrees! '

    REPLY: Steve, Just out of curiousity, how did the A/C keep up in
    those temps ? And, did the roads turn to tar ? Thanks, Dave.
    Dave in Lake Villa, Jul 15, 2007
  6. ~Fianna

    Steve R. Guest


    Yup, the roads were close to the liquified stage. The AC- well it worked,
    albeit not as effectively...

    NW AZ home for sale in growing area-

    You know you're from BHC/Laughlin/Phoenix when:

    1.. You buy salsa by the gallon.

    2.. Your Christmas decorations include a half a yard of sand and l00 paper

    3.. You think a red light is merely a suggestion.

    4.. All of your out-of-state friends start to visit after October but
    clear out come the end of April.

    5.. You think someone driving wearing oven mitts is clever.

    6.. Most of the restaurants in town have the first name "El" or "Los".

    7.. You think 60 tons of crushed rock makes a beautiful yard.

    8.. You've signed so many petitions to recall governors that you can't
    remember the name of the incumbent.

    9.. You notice your car overheating before you drive it.

    10.. Your house is made of stucco and has a red clay tile roof.

    11.. You can say "Hohokam" and people don't think you're laughing funny.

    12.. You no longer associate bridges (or rivers) with water.

    13.. You see more irrigation water on the street than there is in the Salt

    14.. You know a swamp cooler is not a happy hour drink.

    15.. You can say 115 degrees without fainting.

    16.. Every other vehicle is a 4x4.

    17.. You can be in the snow, then drive for an hour and it will be over
    100 degrees.

    18.. Vehicles with open windows have the right-of-way in the summer.

    19.. People break out coats when temperature drops below 70 degrees.

    20.. You discover, in July, it only takes two fingers to drive your car.

    21.. The pool can be warmer than you are.

    22.. You can make sun tea instantly.

    23.. You run your air conditioner in the middle of winter so you can use
    your fireplace.

    24.. Most homes have more firearms than people.

    25.. Kids will ask, "What's a mosquito?"

    26.. People who have black cars or black upholstery in their car are
    automatically assumed to be from out-of-state or nuts.

    27.. You notice the best parking place is determined by shade instead of

    28.. The AC is on your list of best friends.

    29.. Monday Night Football starts at 7:00 instead of 6:00.

    30.. You realize that Valley Fever isn't a disco dance.

    31.. You can finish a Big Gulp in 10 minutes and go back for seconds.

    32.. The water from the cold water tap is the same temperature as the hot

    33.. You can (correctly) pronounce the words: "Saguaro", "Ocotillo",
    "Tempe", "Gila Bend", "San Xavier", "Canyon de Chelly", "Mogollon Rim",
    "Cholla", and "Ajo".

    34.. It's noon in July, kids are on summer vacation, and not one person is
    walking on the streets.

    35.. You experience third degree burns if you touch any metal part of your

    36.. You know better than to get into a car with leather seats if you're
    wearing shorts.

    37.. Announcements for Fourth of July events never end with "in case of

    38.. When someone asks how far you live from a location, it's always in
    terms of minutes, not miles.

    39.. Everyone's smiling and talking about the great weather on rainy days.

    40.. You have to explain to out-of-staters why there is no daylight
    savings time.
    Steve R., Jul 15, 2007
  7. ~Fianna

    Steve R. Guest

    Steve R., Jul 22, 2007
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