So your dealer did it. They probably didn't file a claim for that bottle of
ATF since it shoulda been done during PDI. HMA pays the dealers for PDI
labor+parts. Why Hyundai would ask the dealers to check the ATF level must be
a mystery to you if you think they want to keep their prices low by
underfilling trannies by "a quart here, a quart there"...
My dealer did not top it off at delivery. In fact, it was a different
dealer almost 3 months later. I told them it was lower than it should
have been, they said "OK, we'll take care of it." When they gave me
my car back they told me that it was indeed low and that they added
some more (as I said, the exact amount escapes me, I believe that it
was around 3/4 of a quart). My invoice said that they added ATF and
that it was billed to "Warranty".