Sonata 30K mile service

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by PMDR, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. PMDR

    PMDR Guest

    My 06 NF Sonata is coming up on the 30K mile service point. A couple
    of questions...

    1) I'm not going to be able to hit the 30,000 mark exactly. There's
    less than a hundred miles left and it will be early January before I
    can afford to get the service done. It will probably be something
    like 31 or 32K miles by the time I get in there. Is there a risk in
    going over, does Hyundai write the car off or something? I am up to
    date on oil changes and other items.

    2) The dealer service writer has been insisting that I need to have
    the coolant flushed, whereas the manual says I have another couple
    years. I am absolutely sure they're looking for every dime they can
    find and THAT service writer has spewed BS to other customers in my
    presence before so there is NO trust to speak of. On the other hand,
    the coolant has been in the car for more than 2.5 years now. That
    seems kinda long to me. Is this worth doing?

    3) other comments? Stuff to watch out for at 30K?

    PMDR, Dec 17, 2008
  2. PMDR

    Partner Guest

    Do not take your car back to the dealer and hand over a blank check. Ignore
    these "service points" (as you call them). They are an invention of the
    dealers designed to separate fools from their money. Look at the service
    schedule in the cars manual and do what it says. You do not even have to
    take it to the dealer to have that work done as long as you save your
    receipts. You are protected by federal law from anyone cutting off your
    Partner, Dec 17, 2008
  3. PMDR

    hyundaitech Guest

    1. Relax. Missing a service point (other than perhaps an oil change) i
    not going to be an issue.

    2. Owner's manual. Owner's manual. Owner's manual. Regardless of wha
    this jerk says, you *don't* need much for your 30k.

    Here is my recollection of what you'll need:
    -Oil change
    -Air filter
    -Tire rotation.

    There's little reason to not do this stuff at the oil change closest t
    the 30k interval.

    I left the canister filter off the list because it's complicated t
    replace on your car, because the dealer won't have included it in the 30
    service, and because the worst thing that'll happen is that you'll need t
    service it later at your own expense anyway.

    Furthermore, the tire rotation is pretty much at your option. It'
    recommended every 7500 miles, but if you don't do it, probably the wors
    that happens is that your front tires wear out soon.

    And last, if you read your owner's manual, you'll see that the coolan
    system service isn't required until 5 years (2 years subsequent). Nex
    time the advisor says you need your initial coolant change any time befor
    5 years, show him the manual
    hyundaitech, Dec 18, 2008
  4. PMDR

    Ed Pawlowski Guest

    I've always been bad about tire rotation. My Sonata tires wore evenly on
    each axle though. "The front were just replaced at 44,000 miles and the
    rear will probably go another 20,000+. I'd have let the front go longer if
    it was warmer weather, but I want some tread in the snow.

    Oil changes are all done at 7500 or less.
    Ed Pawlowski, Dec 18, 2008
  5. PMDR

    631grant Guest

    It does my heart good to see hyundaitech write that. Our dealer tries to
    talk you into all sorts of things. They 'stung' me at 7500 miles but never
    again. I read my manual and JUST do what it says. Other services are done
    by me. Heck, I have 35 more years of experience than most of the guys in
    the shop plus a son who does it for a living. Send your extra money to me,
    if you want to throw it away........................
    631grant, Dec 18, 2008
  6. PMDR

    Voyager Guest

    My dealer didn't even know that the owner's manual called for it to be

    Voyager, Dec 18, 2008
  7. PMDR

    631grant Guest

    If you're talking about the gas tank canister filter, dealers I have visited
    don't even stock the part and have never replaced it. It is inside the left
    rear wheel well behind the plastic shield. They said don't worry about it.
    631grant, Dec 18, 2008
  8. PMDR

    Voyager Guest

    Yes, that was the conclusion we finally came to after talking with the
    parts manager who couldn't even find it on the fiche. I had to point it
    out to him... :-(

    Same thing for the fuel filter and the the gas tank air filter. All
    three call for periodic replacement, but the service manager says they
    don't touch them unless the check engine light comes on or there is a
    driveability complaint. As long as they honor my warranty, I don't care
    either. I'd never seen any other car brand that called for routine
    replacement of such parts.

    Voyager, Dec 18, 2008
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