Sonata 2006 - Lt/100K counter

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Bob, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. Bob

    Bob Guest

    I've had this car since Mar '06 and bought the loaded model. I was
    wondering if anyone knew how the program calculates, in my case i.e.
    Liters per 100K? Is it a simple program that uses your distance
    (odometer) with gas consumption (what's left in gas tank)? That means
    that idling would have an effect. Or does it actually measure the
    distance, speed, and actual consumption occurring at the moment?
    By-the-way, aside from some minor issues, I love the car. It came with
    7years bumper-to-bumper guarantee and 7 year road-side-assistance.
    Well worth the price.
    Bob, Jan 20, 2007
  2. Fuel used at idle is counted in the calculations. Now that the weather has
    turned to real winter, I dropped about 1 to 1.5 mpg due to warm up (I love
    the remote starter) and leaving the engine running more that if it was mild
    weather. I've also calculated the actual miles and use at the pump and
    compared it to the trip computer. The computers is optimistic by .5 to 1
    mpg every time.

    I don't know if the fuel gauge is used or some sort of flow meter though.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Jan 20, 2007
  3. Bob

    Bob Guest

    Thanks. I use my remote often, too especially at this time of year
    with our cold weather. I did the same with trip meter and found the
    computer was a little optimistic. I still love the car and it really
    has a lot of get-up-and-go when passing. There is one thing that I may
    mention in my next servicing, it seems to be a bit spongy on the peddle
    from a standing start. Feels like there's a bit too much play at the
    puddle. I know it's all electronic, but can they re-program it to
    respond quicker, not sure about how this works. Does anyone know?

    Bob, Jan 22, 2007
  4. I don't know about changing it, but most of the complaints are that the
    peddle is too sensitive. I know of one person that traded his wife's Sonata
    in for a 4 cylinder Camry for that reason. Too many times she spun the
    front wheels.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Jan 22, 2007
  5. Bob

    Bob Guest

    I can see that happening. It's as if you can't gradually increase when
    at a standing start. When you press the peddle down it doesn't react
    right a way but then it accelerates as if you floored it. I've learned
    to find that spot and can deal with it. But I can see it causing
    someone a problem especially in winter.
    Bob, Jan 25, 2007
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