Shaky Steering - 01 Elantra

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by suresh, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. suresh

    suresh Guest

    After my 45K mile service of my car, I find my steering vibrating when I
    touch 70mph speed. Whatz going wrong? Should I do balancing the tires(I
    chose to ignore it in my 45K)
    suresh, Oct 1, 2004
  2. By "touch 70mph speed", you mean "drive for any length of time at
    70mph", right? This is fairly common IME in cars that aren't designed
    for performance; the Ford Tempo and Mercury Sable I used to drive both
    shook a lot when driven over 75mph.
    Yes, check the wheel balance. Maybe alignment too, depending on how
    long it's been since that was done and the number of potholes on the
    roads you drive regularly. HTH,
    Dances With Crows, Oct 1, 2004
  3. suresh

    suresh Guest

    Yap. As soon as my speedometer touches 70 and greater, I see the vibration
    in the steering. This did not happen before I gave my car for service.
    Since I opted out for a wheel balance, I feel they might have specifically
    done something. Anyways, let me run to costco and get a wheel balance done
    for cheaper price
    suresh, Oct 1, 2004
  4. suresh

    hyundaitech Guest

    Most likely your rear wheels were out of balance and when they were rotated
    to the front, they created a vibration in the steering. Dollars to donuts
    a wheel balance cures the vibration.
    hyundaitech, Oct 2, 2004
  5. Make that a "proper" wheel balance. I somehow doubt that Costco will do
    as good a job as a reputable tire dealer. Balancing is highly dependent
    on the quality of the equipment and the attention to detail of the operator.
    Brian Nystrom, Oct 5, 2004
  6. suresh

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Wheels need balancing. It is a good idea to take it to a reputable tire shop
    (e.g. Discount Tire) and get a proper balancing done. They can also check
    for out of roundness and move the tire on the rims. Costs extra but is worth
    it, especially if you get the lifetime balancing.
    Wayne Moses, Oct 8, 2004
  7. suresh

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Agreed. Costco is not the place to get it done. I would go to a wheel place,
    where they would have the better equipment and the more experienced people
    to run these machines.
    Wayne Moses, Oct 8, 2004
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