Santa Fe trans fluid

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by Jim Lofgren, May 20, 2004.

  1. Jim Lofgren

    Jim Lofgren Guest

    Ok...2002 Santa Fe manual says to use Sp III fluid....does that translate to
    Dextron III? I haven't seen a car since Ford that actually spec'd their own
    Trans Fluid and no other would work.

    Redmond, WA
    Jim Lofgren, May 20, 2004
  2. Jim Lofgren

    hyundaitech Guest

    No. Absolutely NO DEXRON! Go to a Hyundai or Kia dealer and buy the SPIII
    fluid. You could be very sorry if you don't.
    hyundaitech, May 20, 2004
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