Santa Fe pulling to the right

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by Tom & Deb, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. Tom & Deb

    Tom & Deb Guest

    My 04 Santa Fe tracked perfectly until my first tire rotation at 5500 miles.
    After the rotation I immediately noticed a pronounced drift to the right
    while driving down the road. I went back to my dealer who had no
    explanation for the problem but decided to try a cris-cross rotation instead
    of the recommended front to back/back to front rotation. Unfortunately this
    didn't solve the problem and the SF is headed back to the shop. Tire
    pressure is even for all four tires and the spare (new) was not part of the
    ratation. Does anyone have any idea why a simple tire rotation would cause
    a tracking problem that wasn't present prior to the rotation?
    Tom & Deb, Mar 3, 2005
  2. Tom & Deb

    hyundaitech Guest

    There's probably a rolling resistance difference in the tires currently on
    the front of the vehicle.
    hyundaitech, Mar 3, 2005
  3. Tom & Deb

    Jody Guest

    i know when we have tires rotated on our accent we will get a slight pull
    for first few 100's kms till the tires break in..
    Jody, Mar 3, 2005
  4. Tom & Deb

    Tony Guest

    I just had mine in for a service and reported a slight pull to the left.
    I've not rotated any tires yet or had any replaced but it started to happen
    about 200 miles ago. They said there was nothing wrong and it must be the
    camber on the road! I said I would keep an eye on it but it will go back if
    it continues.

    Tony, Mar 4, 2005
  5. Tom & Deb

    Tom & Deb Guest

    Thanks to all who responded to my inquiry. A friend of mine suggested I
    check the lug nut torque as it has been his experience that most shops use
    an impact wrench rather than a torque wrench whenever wheels are removed and
    placed back on a vehicle. Sure enough all of the lug nuts were tightened to
    100-120 ft.lbs. when the owner's manual calls for 65-80 ft.lbs. I backed
    them all down to 80 ft.lbs.and my Santa Fe is tracking perfectly again.
    Dosen't say much for my local Hyundai dealer does it?
    Tom & Deb, Mar 5, 2005
  6. Tom & Deb

    K. Collier Guest

    I tell anyone (shop, dealer, etc.) who takes wheels off of my car that if
    they put an impact wrench on my car, it will cost them. I once physically
    restrained a mechanic trying to do this at NTB.
    K. Collier, Mar 5, 2005
  7. Tom & Deb

    Jacob Suter Guest

    I personally rotate my own tires and perform all my own maintenance. I
    use an impact wrench when re-attaching my tires. Of course, all I do is
    use the impact to spin the nuts down til they're barely snug (barely tap
    the trigger, and only for a moment), then drop the car back on its own
    weight, torque to spec, re-check the torque, drive around the block, let
    the brakes cool, check torque, job done...

    Jacob Suter, Mar 10, 2005
  8. Tom & Deb

    K. Collier Guest

    If only the shops did it as carefully as you do Jacob...
    What's your location again? I am due for a rotation!
    K. Collier, Mar 11, 2005
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