Santa Fe Accelerator

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by fancyhit, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. fancyhit

    fancyhit Guest

    Since the other thread was too long for me to navigate thru I thought
    I'd just start over. Regarding the comments about the accelerator
    (which I call a gas pedal) I had posted the same thing several months
    ago about my 2003 Santa Fe. The service people could not fix it. It
    is not a "computerized" gas pedal, or electronic. I was basically told
    to live with it. Also, I have spoken with several other Santa Fe
    owners who have the same thing. You think the company would put out a
    fix for it. It is very annoying, especially this winter when I want
    nice smooth starts in the snow. Hyundai Tech's ideas did not work, so
    for now I just live with it. And I don't care what you say, it has to
    effect the gas mileage, which isn't good to begin with. Other than
    than I love the vehicle.
    fancyhit, Feb 23, 2006
  2. fancyhit

    Jody Guest

    diddnt you notice the issue when you test drove it?
    Jody, Feb 23, 2006
  3. fancyhit

    Pete & Cindy Guest

    is this just an issue with the 3.5 V6?? as I have an 06 Santa Fe with an
    2.7 V6 and I dont have that problem.. acceleration is nice and smooth from
    the start why would there be a difference from one to the other?? just

    Pete & Cindy, Feb 23, 2006
  4. fancyhit

    hyundaitech Guest

    I don't recall your previous post, fancyhit, so I'm not sure what we're
    actually discussing. There isn't really anything in common with your
    accelerator and the one on the 3.5, so the fact that you have a problem
    similar to someone else doesn't necessarily indicate an overall issue that
    needs to be fixed. In any event, I'm sorry my ideas didn't help and that
    your dealer was unable to help you.
    hyundaitech, Feb 23, 2006
  5. fancyhit

    fancyhit Guest

    No we did not notice it at the time. When driving a different vehicle
    you really wouldn't know if it was a problem or not. Also, as I said,
    the problem is much more common than some of you think. The dealer
    drove a 2005 that did the same thing, so he basically couldn't, or
    wouldn't do anything else. It is a cable system, not computerized as
    some have mentioned. The whole assembly was replaced, the cable, and
    lots of greasing and no change. So we live with it. Others I've
    spoken with have the same thing and just live with it also. The
    company really should look into this, but they don't seem too
    fancyhit, Feb 23, 2006
  6. fancyhit

    hyundaitech Guest

    The 2.7 doesn't have the electronic throttle system. It's a direct cable
    link from the pedal to the throttle plate.a
    hyundaitech, Feb 23, 2006
  7. Neither is that a common problem with the 3.5, I have a -03 LX 3.5, never
    notice any problem with the fly-by-wire accelerator pedal.

    I'll had loved to get a real tranny (manual), but the 5 speed auto is not
    that bad at all.

    Pete & Cindy wrote:
    : is this just an issue with the 3.5 V6?? as I have an 06 Santa Fe with an
    : 2.7 V6 and I dont have that problem.. acceleration is nice and smooth
    : from the start why would there be a difference from one to the other??
    : just curious..
    : Pete..
    : :: Since the other thread was too long for me to navigate thru I thought
    :: I'd just start over. Regarding the comments about the accelerator
    :: (which I call a gas pedal) I had posted the same thing several months
    :: ago about my 2003 Santa Fe. The service people could not fix it. It
    :: is not a "computerized" gas pedal, or electronic. I was basically told
    :: to live with it. Also, I have spoken with several other Santa Fe
    :: owners who have the same thing. You think the company would put out a
    :: fix for it. It is very annoying, especially this winter when I want
    :: nice smooth starts in the snow. Hyundai Tech's ideas did not work, so
    :: for now I just live with it. And I don't care what you say, it has to
    :: effect the gas mileage, which isn't good to begin with. Other than
    :: than I love the vehicle.
    Victor A. Garcia, Feb 24, 2006
  8. fancyhit

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Knowing what I know now about my 06 Sonata, I'd probably not get a
    manual transmission again with the electronic throttle. It is so hard
    to start out smoothly that it takes much of the fun out of driving
    standard. It is just way to hard to coordinate throttle and clutch and
    I've driving standard shift vehicles for 30 years including 5 years
    driving OTR trucks. Hyundai really needs to do some work on this throttle.

    Matt Whiting, Feb 24, 2006
  9. fancyhit

    Eric G. Guest

    Wouldn't it be easier to start doing 2000 RPM clutch drops? :)

    Seriously, I hope they do something too. It is even getting annoying on my

    Eric G., Feb 24, 2006
  10. fancyhit

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Well, about 20% of my starts end up that way, especially if I need to
    move quickly and don't have time to futz with the throttle to launch at
    around 1000-1200 as I prefer.

    I'm not holding my breath. I haven't even received a survey from
    Hyundai asking if I like the car. I got a survey asking about the
    salesman, finance officer, dealership, etc., but not a peep about the
    car. Seems odd for a company that is selling cars to not even ask about
    the car. Maybe they don't want to know the answers.

    Matt Whiting, Feb 25, 2006
  11. fancyhit

    Striker Guest

    If it is what I think it is ,there is a tsb out for it. I had it done on my
    Santa Fe and it helped alot. tsb #04-36-012 PCM reprogramming for
    smoother feeling initial acceleration. My dealer did not know that the tsb
    was out and and said the same thing until I printed out a copy of the tsb
    and showed them. If you want I can email a copy of the tsb, It will be in
    ..pdf form.

    Striker, Feb 26, 2006
  12. fancyhit

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I'd appreciate a copy as well if you don't mind sending it along.

    Matt Whiting, Feb 26, 2006
  13. fancyhit

    hyundaitech Guest

    TSB 04-26-012 applies to most 2004 Santa Fes with the 3.5 engine. It
    doesn't apply to any other year, model, or engine. Not only is the TSB
    vague in terms of what the reprogram does exactly, but I've even had
    discussions with technical assistance about this TSB and they seemed
    equally unable to explain it to me.
    hyundaitech, Feb 27, 2006
  14. fancyhit

    Zeppo Guest

    Makes me wonder if the dealer didn't do some paperwork required. I received
    survey's from both the dealer and Hyundai within 90 days of purchasing my
    car, plus a call from my salesman at 60 days asking if everything was OK
    with it.

    Zeppo, Mar 3, 2006
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