Running much warmer after valve job

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jerry Basham, Jan 29, 2004.

  1. Jerry Basham

    Jerry Basham Guest

    Hello Hyundai folks ...

    This is a 1990 Excel Gl that I purchased new back then.
    It's been a dream of a little car, with only scheduled
    maintenance to keep it going .. until last week when it
    burned an exhaust valve.

    I had the work done at a reputable little shop here in
    town (where the temps at the present time are averaging
    around ten below to ten above zero). I've always been
    used to this vehicle being a "cold blooded" sort, being
    very much aware of the position of the heat gauge always
    staying real close to the "c" at the bottom, unless the
    outside temp is over 80 or so, and then it runs a bit

    They replaced the number 3 cylindar exhaust valve and
    all the valve guides and ground the rest of the valves.
    Right away, as I drove the car from the shop yesterday,
    when it was four above zero in the afternoon, I watched
    in dismay as the heat gauge went about half way up,
    which I'd never seen it do before on a cold day. I
    pulled over and let the car sit with the engine off for
    a full five minutes, then got out and checked the oil.
    It was at the "max" mark, so that was not the problem.

    I drove the car around town as usual, as is required by
    my job, and noticed that the heat guage pretty much
    stays in the half-way area, now, and not down low where
    it used to stay in these conditions.

    I called the shop and the mechanic said that "it is
    normal for an engine that's been taken apart to run
    hot for a little while."

    Ummmm.. any thoughts on this from you folks familiar
    with these engines (1990 was the last year Hyundai put
    Mitzubishi engines in their cars, I am told).

    Your input much appreciated,

    -- J.B.
    Jerry Basham, Jan 29, 2004
  2. Jerry Basham

    Gnekker Guest

    I've always been
    Chances are that they actually fixed your car which was running too cold
    earlier, most probably due to faulty thermostat valve. Overheating is not
    good, but overcooling is also bad for your engine. Your engine should heat
    up and go to middle of temp. scale a soon as possible and stay there untill
    switched off, regardless of the outside themperature.
    So, be happy, they finally fixed your car properly.

    PS. Your mileage also should be better now.

    Gnekker, Jan 30, 2004
  3. Jerry Basham

    seahorse25 Guest

    Around 'half-way' is where most automobile temp gauges
    normally run.

    seahorse25, Jan 30, 2004
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