Replacing old speedometer, how do I reset actual miles ??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by john.van.v, May 24, 2006.

  1. john.van.v

    Eric G. Guest

    Let me know how you make out when it is YOUR wife or child. I was an EMT
    in the late 80's myself. I never drove like that with anyone in my bus.

    All I can say is you have no idea how you would react. And I hope you
    never have to.

    Eric G., May 27, 2006
  2. john.van.v

    Eric G. Guest

    No, Matt, you confused me with the OP.

    Eric G., May 27, 2006
  3. john.van.v

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I'm glad to hear that.

    Matt Whiting, May 27, 2006
  4. john.van.v

    Bob Adkins Guest

    For those of us who are too CHICKEN (or too sensible) to open up the car,
    here is a nice little movie of an 06 Hyundai Sonata running from 0-133mph.

    Direct link warning!

    56K warning!


    Have a lovely Memorial Day. Remember a Vet!
    Bob Adkins, May 28, 2006
  5. john.van.v

    Bob Adkins Guest

    We should treasure our idiots that take risks. We are a nation of
    descendants of risk-taking idiots.

    I do not condone driving 130mph, but I defend anyone's right to do it...
    safely, on empty roads, of course. The Government has no right to protect
    us from our own stupidity, because the Government is more stupid than us.
    Bob Adkins, May 28, 2006
  6. john.van.v

    Bob Adkins Guest

    So Matt, why in hell do you drive 130mph? Explain yourself!!!
    Bob Adkins, May 28, 2006
  7. john.van.v

    Bob Adkins Guest

    I was an EMT back in the day when speed was the main lifesaving tool. We
    drove sleek, powerful station wagons and converted hurst's. We used to cross
    the Lake Pontchatrain causeway in as little as 15 minutes. We saved many
    lives, and nobody was ever hurt.
    Bob Adkins, May 28, 2006
  8. john.van.v

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I fall into the second camp, but on a track it would be a hoot. Any
    idea which model Sonata this was? It seemed to accelerate too fast
    above 100 MPH to be a 4 cylinder, yet the shifting sounded like it was a
    standard shift, which isn't available with the V-6.

    Matt Whiting, May 28, 2006
  9. john.van.v

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I'm not at all against taking risks. I ride motorcycles, fly airplanes,
    etc. It is wantonly placing others at risk that I object to and which
    is what was described here. You are confusing taking risks with being

    Replace road above with track and I'm with you 100%.

    Matt Whiting, May 28, 2006
  10. john.van.v

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I don't. Where did you get that idea?

    Matt Whiting, May 28, 2006
  11. john.van.v

    Bob Adkins Guest

    Ya, it was an 06 LX, with about 1500 on the odometer. I love the engine
    sound. The tranny sounds a lot better in that movie than it actually is. It
    sounds like it's shifting crisply, but that's deceptive.
    Bob Adkins, May 28, 2006
  12. john.van.v

    Zotto Guest

    Zotto, May 28, 2006
  13. john.van.v

    Eric G. Guest

    It was a V6. With the pedal floored, it does sound a bit like a manual
    shift. Even more so if they were using the "manumatic" or whatever Hyundai
    calls it.

    Eric G., May 29, 2006
  14. john.van.v

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Yes, I test drove a couple of V-6s and even shifting the auto in the
    manual mode it didn't sound like the one in the video which is what I
    was wondering about. Now, my 4 cylinder does sound more like that if I
    shift at 6 grand. :)

    Matt Whiting, May 29, 2006
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