Relationship betweencar heater and Air Conditioning - Excell 2000

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by djs, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. djs

    djs Guest

    Hi All
    When I put the car heater on and don't use the fan, warmth comes
    through the vents when on the fresh air mode. However when I put on
    the fan the Air Conditioning (A/C) light comes on and I feel the loss
    of power that happens when I am using the A/C. It appears that when
    the fan is on, the A/C is also on and I therefore cannot opperate the
    car heater with the A/C automatically comming on.

    Does this sound right?

    djs, Jul 21, 2008
  2. djs

    Victek Guest

    Hi All
    In my experience it's normal for the compressor to come on when using the
    defroster, but not the heater. What happens if you try to turn off the A/C
    while the fan is on?
    Victek, Jul 22, 2008
  3. djs

    djs Guest

    Thanks for the response Victek. I will check - perhaps it is coming on
    with the defroster only and I am assuming that it is the same with the
    cabin heating - I will get back
    djs, Jul 23, 2008
  4. djs

    hyundaitech Guest

    You should have a separate switch for the a/c (the button that has the a/
    indicator lamp). You should be able to use this to toggle the compresso
    on or off regardless of any other setting of the system, presuming th
    controls work similarly to the U.S. controls
    hyundaitech, Jul 27, 2008
  5. djs

    djs Guest

    Thanks Victek and hyundaitech

    It seems that the defroster is connected to the A/C as Victek
    suggested. That is; when I use the defroster with the fan on then the
    A/C comes on automatically - the A/C control lights up and cannot be
    overridden and turned off. As soon as I change from the defroster to
    the cabin heater then the A/C light goes out and the compressor

    So thanks for the info. I now know more about defrosters (which we
    call demisters) Here in Adelaide, South Australia, yesterday was the
    coldest night in over twenty two years with the minimum temp getting
    down to 1.6 degrees C (35 degrees F) which created a frost on the car
    widows - My 20 year old son had never seen this before.
    djs, Jul 29, 2008
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