Really, no joke

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Joe Avalos, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. Joe Avalos

    Joe Avalos Guest

    Ok folks, here is my problem. Back in July, went camping. However I left a
    5lb chub of ground beef in the hot car for 3 days. Yeah, it smelt real bad.
    Cleaned and sprayed all kinds of stuff the the smell went away - mostly
    anyway. Well, Labor Day weekend we go camping again. An ice chest leaked
    water around the spare tire compartment, and like magic, my old friend
    "Stench" returned. Finally it got so bad, I pulled spare tire and stuff
    out - Lo and Behold! Apparently juices and such soaked into the carpet-pad
    like insulation and some colony of nastiness was growing. Ok, fine all
    cleaned up now. My only problem now is that on warm humid days, the smell is
    now in the AC ventilation system. How do I get the smell out of there?
    BTW, no one will ride with me anymore.
    Joe Avalos, Nov 5, 2004
  2. Joe Avalos

    S25 Guest

    Smells like a troll to me.

    S25, Nov 5, 2004
  3. If he is for real and figures it out, I would love to hear the solution. MY
    crazy kids left an open chocolate milk box under the booster seat.....


    Michael Abbaticchio
    MVP for Microsoft Exchange Server
    Michael Abbaticchio, Nov 5, 2004
  4. Joe Avalos

    Joe Avalos Guest

    I'm telling, this ain't no troll. I have a foul odor coming out of my vents
    when it is humid. It goes away after a while, but I think I am simply
    getting used to it.
    Joe Avalos, Nov 5, 2004
  5. Joe Avalos

    nothermark Guest

    sounds like something I hear fairly frequently on CarTalk

    the mold has migrated into the air ducts. you need to clean and
    sterilize all of it. If you have a cabin air filter replace it at the
    same time. I get the impression that simply spraying stuff somewhere
    doesn't really fix this. Scrubbing out the airducts is neither simple
    nor easy as they are not very accessible in most cars. It also may be
    in the other carpets and padding YMMV.
    nothermark, Nov 5, 2004
  6. Still driving the '97 Tiburon? You probably have mold in the A/C system
    under the dash that's picked up the smell. I'd take it to a good car wash
    and have it cleaned inside and out then at the end have them squirt some of
    that "new car" perfume in it. Should help anyway.
    screwtape iii, Nov 5, 2004
  7. Joe Avalos

    hyundaitech Guest

    My suggestion would be to turn the a/c on and the heat to full hot and set
    the fresh/recirc switch to fresh. Turn the blower on high. Spray air
    freshener into the passenger side air intake at the bottom of the

    This probably won't eliminate the odor forever, but it'll probably mask it
    for long enough to be a much better option than pulling the dash and
    cleaning the ductwork.
    hyundaitech, Nov 5, 2004
  8. Joe Avalos

    GP Guest

    Spray Lysol into the fresh air ducts outside. You need something that will
    kill bacteria.
    GP, Nov 6, 2004
  9. This is common to other makes and models. The thng to watch out for is
    clogged drainoffs near you intakes. Things like leaves, twigs, pine
    needles, etc....


    Michael Abbaticchio
    MVP for Microsoft Exchange Server
    Michael Abbaticchio, Nov 6, 2004
  10. Joe Avalos

    fhm Guest

    My suggestion would be to turn the a/c on and the heat to full hot and
    fhm, Nov 6, 2004
  11. Joe Avalos

    GP Guest

    That's a better idea yet. Legionnaires disease is caused by mold in air
    Don't ignore it.
    GP, Nov 9, 2004
  12. Joe Avalos

    Joe Avalos Guest

    Thanks for all the tips. Just one question, where exactly is the air intake?
    Do I access under the hood or by the windshield wiper area?
    Joe Avalos, Nov 9, 2004
  13. Joe Avalos

    hyundaitech Guest

    There should be an opening in the cowl grille under the right side of the
    windshield. You shouldn't have to take anything apart.
    hyundaitech, Nov 10, 2004
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