Problem with my Tiburon, Please help

Discussion in 'Hyundai Coupe / Tiburon' started by SuperVillain6, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. Ok so I have a 1998 Hyundai Tiburon, and I havnt had any problems
    since I got it last august, but then these past couple days ive
    noticed a few problems;
    -Horn Wont blow
    -Car jerks randomly
    -Car jerks when I turn the ac on
    -The left blinker light blinks fast, and then when I cut it off, it
    still glows
    -Lights are dimer

    could this all be combined maybe the battery? Alternator? please help,
    thanks in advance.
    SuperVillain6, Jul 13, 2005
  2. Check your ground wire at the battery and any ground wires from motor to
    Dave in Lake Villa, Jul 13, 2005
  3. It sounds possible. Get them checked.
    Brian Nystrom, Jul 13, 2005
  4. SuperVillain6

    hyundaitech Guest

    Horn inop issues are typically resolved by replacing the horn.

    Jerking may be a performance issue. Do you have a check enigne lamp on?
    Do you know what a misfire feels like? Does it feel like one? If you're
    not sure about these things, you'll probably want to have the car checked

    It sounds like you have a ground issue with some of your lamps.

    Checking your battery/alternator/etc. is a good idea, too.
    hyundaitech, Jul 13, 2005
  5. Well today I got it checked out a little bit more, and they check the
    battery and alternator and nothing was wrong with it...

    Here are new problems I noticed the problems happen when the
    headlights are on;
    -Thats when the horn wont blow, it just makes a trippin sound
    -the blinker works when the lights are off, on it glows,
    -I notice when the ac button is turned on it makes a differencer with
    the lights and horn also, and how it kinda jerks...

    Could it be something in the fusebox maybe? any other suggestions?
    SuperVillain6, Jul 13, 2005
  6. Its going to need troubleshooting by an experienced Hyundai Service
    Dave in Lake Villa, Jul 13, 2005
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