I have to dig deep to find negatives about my 2006 Sonata GLS. Running my cell phone seems to be my "big one". In most cars I've had, there is an unswitched power outlet in the car. The Sonata has two outlets and both are switched. That makes keeping my cell phone charged ( a very small load, doesn't affect battery drain significantly) a problem. The dealer was useless so I found a way to power the "power outlet" full time with NO MODIFICATION to the wiring! A volt meter or simple test device is needed, as well as two "add a circuit" plug ins. I found the "Add a circuit" at autozone. They are a simple device that plugs in the ATM style fuse holder, have a socket for the original fuse and one for an added circuit with a pigtail. I connected the pigtails of two back to back and inserted 20 Amp fuses in the "extra circuit slot" only. These devices state they are rated at 10 Amp per fuse, but as instructed, they service two fuses each. I only used one. Next, I put the car in "ACC" position and pulled the power outlet fuse. The dead side (with fuse pulled) goes to the power outlet. I inserted the 1st add a circuit such that the fuse connects to the pigtail and load side (dead at the moment). Next, I pulled a spare fuse connected in the fuse block as always on. (the circuits are online ay Hyundai). Plug the second add a circuit in, if correct you will have power at the outlet all the time, if backwards you will never have power! No modifications to the wiring, the taps can be unplugged any time and original fuses replaced. gerry