Poor tire wear

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Victek, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. Victek

    Victek Guest

    I have a set of Sumitomo HTR H4 tires on my 2003 Elantra. The tire is rated
    at 60k, but I only have about 33k on them and they're almost gone. I expect
    to replace them around 38k. The car came with Michelins which were rated at
    50k and I actually got 45k+ from them before getting the HTR H4's. I'm
    wondering why the Sumi's are doing so poorly? I've had them rotated every
    5k. Alignment seems fine - no pulling when driving and no feathering on the
    tread. The tires are wearing pretty evenly except for the center having a
    little more tread then the outside (probably due to periods of
    under-inflation). Fortunately they will be prorated when I replace them so
    I will recover some of the investment, but I'm wondering if I should be
    looking at a different tire/brand? Any thoughts?
    Victek, Oct 3, 2008
  2. I can report EXACTLY the same thing on my son's '02 Elantra.

    First of all, I have to assume you got your Sumi's from Sears. I haven't
    figured this out yet, but on the Sumi web site, the HTR H4 is considered a
    50,000-mile tire. Yet Sears sells it as a 60,000-mile tire. Either way,
    like yours, his tires are shot at 31,000 miles.

    But you know, I may get him another set anyway. Overall. except for the
    mileage thing, these have been REALLY good tires for his car. They have
    been quiet, handled well, gotten through a horrible Milwaukee winter
    (actually two) without a hiccup. And his stopping distances were cut
    significantly compared to his previous tires.

    Regarding the mileage problem, my Sears Auto Center has already agreed to
    give a credit of the exact percentage of tread left (just under 50%) of the
    purchase price for these tires. I am going to wait until the next time
    Sears has a "Buy 3, Get 1 Free" deal, and the salesman has indicated that
    any credit goes on top of any sale.

    Now I will have to re-buy road hazard and that. But for the performance of
    these tires, and the price, I thought the reduced mileage was worth it. If
    that is the tire's only weakness (and it seems to be), I can live with that.
    Rev. Tom Wenndt, Oct 4, 2008
  3. Victek

    Victek Guest

    I can report EXACTLY the same thing on my son's '02 Elantra.
    Thanks for confirming that mine is not an isolated case. Yes, I did get the
    tires from Sears. I would agree that in all other respects they've been
    great. I need to find out how much credit I'll get when they prorate the
    tires. I haven't started looking yet and wonder if there are any other good
    choices in the same price range ( ? )
    Victek, Oct 5, 2008
  4. If you like Sears Auto (I do, at least the ones I have had to deal with),
    you might wait until they put their Bridgestone tires on a, "Buy 3, Get 1
    free deal.

    Bridgestone has just introduced a "Sears only" tire, the HP550. It is a
    massive update of the HP50, which was an okay tire, but nothing special.

    This new tire looks to be a seriously good tire. Treadwear and wet traction
    have been extensively upgraded. And first reports indicate a nice, quiet,
    smooth yet very responsive tire with even better stopping distances.

    Many of the Sears Autos also have the Falken Ziex ZE-912. That is an
    massive upgrade of the old 512. I never had the time of day for the 512,
    nor did the local Sears tire specialists, even though Consumer Reports loved

    But the 912 does look to be a much better tire. My only concern there would
    be Winter traction (if that is a concern). You won't ever find that at a
    "buy 3, get 1 free, since it is already a value-priced tire. But there are
    still sales on it, and it is always priced pretty competitively anyway.

    Between those two and the Sumitomos, you have three tires at good prices,
    especially if you can pick one, then wait for the right sale.

    that mine is not an isolated case. Yes, I did get the tires from Sears. I
    would agree that in all other respects they've been great. I need to find
    out how much credit I'll get when they prorate the tires. I haven't started
    looking yet and wonder if there are any other good choices in the same price
    range ( ? )
    Rev. Tom Wenndt, Oct 5, 2008
  5. Victek

    hyundaitech Guest

    Not an Elantra drive, but I did put two sets on the Ziex 512 on one of m
    1992 Tauruses. The handling and traction were absolutely excellent. Th
    treadwear, on the other hand, was mediocre at best. I'm currently runnin
    Toyo Proxes on that car, and it's a small drop in handling/traction fo
    about a 30% gain in tread life
    hyundaitech, Oct 6, 2008
  6. The two biggest complaints on the 512 are treadwear (as you said), and wet
    traction. Sears here almost stopped carrying them because of so many almost
    scary complaints from people in wet conditions.

    And none of those Falkens are ever going to be much in snow. But at least
    the 912 has solved the wet traction problem. We will need more time to see
    about treadwear.
    Rev. Tom Wenndt, Oct 8, 2008
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