Pick-Up Trucks

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Robert Cohen, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. Robert Cohen

    Robert Cohen Guest


    This is a nice-looking pick-up apparently made in China
    sells for about $7,000 U.S.D., and will be exported to the U.S. within
    two years (it may not be the truckor model linked here)

    All I can post/say is "whoohoo"/"oh-my-gosh" because such would
    seemingly capture a significant percentage of the U.S. market

    This is a harsh political economic reality--luvit or hateit

    Maybe twice $7,000 USD (more or less) is about what one would today
    pay for a Tennesseee Cadillac aka a Nissan pick-up with hopefully a/c
    and automatic transmission (no comments from @#$%^&*()_+ cowboys
    allowed to my delicate posts about wanting 4/6 cylinder AT)

    I vaguely recall the China p/up importer may be the automotive
    entrepeneur "Marshall Bricklin," but none of this post's accuracy is
    warranted 10 minutes/10 seconds (which ever comes first if ya change
    the oil and do the timing belt et cetera to specification) if ya get
    my exculpatory caveat

    Anybody reading this note in Australia or Timbucktu who has
    driven/owned a China-made pick/up truck, why not please just let me
    know how good/bad it is (no car sales jerks & their shyster managers
    will be believed)

    I recall the first imported to U.S. Excel Hyundais, circa 1988, and the
    door handles were defective/problematic, and China/Bricklin will be
    making a huge mistake if these boogers are the Excels or "Yugos" of
    Robert Cohen, Mar 8, 2005
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