Nitrogen and Tires

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve R., Apr 29, 2007.

  1. Steve R.

    Steve R. Guest

    May I add something here;

    It's another marketing scheme to separate you and your hard-earned money. I
    go through this all the time with my wife.

    I use a locally-owned shop for all my tire needs. He refuses to install an
    N2 system, citing it's a waste of customer's money (and his).
    He does offer the brand name/higher priced tires but rarely suggests them.
    His dad opened the shop 30 years ago and I have yet to
    return anything that he's sold me.

    Higher pressure? My brother increases his TP to 50 lbs when he drives
    cross-country and claims he get 2-3 MPG better, but I know he's got to wear
    a kidney belt.
    Never mind the increased wear and tear on the suspension components.

    My Sonata has 225/50R17 and I keep them at 40.

    My point here is that this is reminiscent of a scam by a station near my
    grandma's house (senior community) where the local garage/gas staion got
    busted for charging seniors to replace the air in the tires, "old air loses
    its ability to properly support the vehicle and causes decreased mileage".

    My local Hyundai dealer doesn't even try to sell me this garbage. He knows
    I'm an ex-mechanic and that I wouldn't buy into such a thing.

    Beware of the
    "Club" tires and services.

    Steve R., Apr 29, 2007
  2. Ya know, I heard that "changing the air in your tires" when I was going to
    college. And it wasn't from a shop or a mechanic. Just your regular "joe"
    who did it before he left on every trip.

    Now he did it himself, at one of the many places that has free air, and he
    was only advising me to do the same, so it was harmless. But I had to say
    to him, "I have NEVER heard of one auto dealer, tire dealer, or whatever
    that ever recommended that."

    Until now, I thought he was the only one. But if there were people selling
    it, now THAT is a scam.

    Tom Wenndt
    Rev. Tom Wenndt, Apr 29, 2007
  3. What are you saying? Scam? I bought the 10 year service policy to have my
    air changed for the summer and the winter. I have an appointment next week
    to get the summer air at the introductory price of $39.95. Call it what you
    want, but it is certainly worth it as this past winter I did not have any
    frozen tires with the winter blend.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Apr 30, 2007
  4. Steve R.

    Vineeth Guest

    LOL good one!
    Vineeth, May 1, 2007
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