I considered very carefully all the advice you gave me over the last 24 hrs. Because of it, I came very near holding off for another 30-45 days closer to when my lease terminates. In the end, I decided to purchase now because I would have to install new rear breaks before I turned my leased car back in (because of scheduled drive up in mountains, 7000' elevation, in 3 wks) and the maintenance light had been on for a couple of weeks because it was time for 45,000 mile maintence. That and this deal contributed toward my decision: $21,015 (includes $2000 bonus), plus $45 document prep fee, $211 license fees, and tax. I'm to make my two remaining lease payments @ $322 each (one due this Wed, the next and last one due March 25). My first new car pymt will be due 4/7, so there will be some overlap on last payment. I got the car in pearl (the white one) with beige seats. Didnt want or need the 8CD changer but that's all they had in inventory if I wanted beige seats rather than black. Sales Mgr claims he threw it in. They were trying to convince me to accept Hyundai's 5.25% interest rate without a reasonable explanation why I should agree to that, and gave that up quickly when I was firm about applying for the Capitol One 3.9 rate for 4 yrs. When I was in the finance office, the guy tried to sell me all the stuff (which I said no to), he was just about thru and then asked if I would like him to finance it for me through one of the banks he has a relationship with (Chase Bank) for 3.9. I asked why he didn't offer that to begin with, he answered he was trying to make money on the deal. No prepayment penalty. For those of you in Calif, I purchased it at Santa Ana Hyundai/Izusu, not the closest dealership to me but not too far, about 18 miles. I can't tell you what it meant to me to have you there, I don't know what I would have done without you. It was because of you, if you remember, that completely turned me around from my original perception about Hyundai. Side Note: There was a torrential downpour tonight on the way home from the dealership, could barely see the road. Here I am in a new and unfamiliar car and can barely see on the freeway. I looked like a deer caught in someone's headlights. I was praying I would not have this really interesting story to tell about the night I purchased my new car, and it was totalled on the way home in a rain-related accident. Second side note - I may already have a problem with the car, the seat belt sticks or pulls, it's difficult to get it to fully roll open to the length I want it. What a day. sigh.