Neck Restraints

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by The Awesome 1, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. I went nuts when national news 7/5 on every station was talking about
    the Kia Sportage & Hyundai Tucson as very poor in protecting from
    whiplash & spinal injuries. When I bought the Tucson Premium Package
    on 3/1/07, I read their ad stating it was rated at the top on all
    points. Now you go to and see the Sante Fe, Entourage
    & Vera Cruz rate high on 5 point crash test, but Tucson got 4 points.

    I broke my neck with a drunk driver unlining my C6 & C7 which I
    predict bad weather very well with it. After 6 months of traction I
    am not intersted with going thru that gain. When I was rear ended at
    75 mph a year ago April in the Sante Fe, I felt -0-. Car did very
    well with just a cut in half bumper that was replaced. Tail pipe
    also, which got me a new muffler too.

    So I phone Hyundai USA & I am told by a Witch with a captial B, to
    call my dealership, which I did & they told me to call Hyundai since
    they have not issued a recall. Again she snips to call my
    dealership. So the Manager has the issue now, and I was lied to when
    I purchased the SUV.
    The Awesome 1, Jul 10, 2007
  2. The Awesome 1

    hyundaitech Guest

    I'm not sure I understand your problem regarding the Tucson. What action
    are you looking for the dealer or Hyundai to take?
    hyundaitech, Jul 10, 2007
  3. The Awesome 1

    mark Guest

    the great whine is just a troll..... she used to troll in the saturn group

    left a saturn idling, with a police lightbar, radios, and other equipment
    she had as a rent a cop at some college campus..... and whined when it puked
    coolant all over the place.

    she just abuses the equipment......
    mark, Jul 10, 2007
  4. The Awesome 1

    Mike Marlow Guest

    What in the world are you trying to say?
    Mike Marlow, Jul 11, 2007
  5. The jerk is back trolling me, as Saturn had a massive recall of all
    station wagons for their oil mixing with collant blowing the engine
    after we spent $750 for a new engine but we got our money back.
    The Awesome 1, Jul 11, 2007
  6. Can't read? The Tucson for 2007 is not 100% top rated, only 4 of 5
    points & head restraints are not accemptable, but very poor.

    Their ads at the dealer state 5 point check was top rated, when it
    isn't. They even corrected it on the web site just listing the sante
    fe, entourage and Vera Cruz, not the tucson as 5 point ratings

    I did not buy a substandard car, but I have one now.........
    The Awesome 1, Jul 11, 2007
  7. The Awesome 1

    KW Guest

    Actually, it is *Exactly* the same car .....only your *opinion* of it has

    To restate, Mike's question slightly:
    What do you expect Hyundai USA or your dealer to do about it? Furthermore,
    if not trolling, what do you hope to accomplish by your digitized verbal
    intercourse on this newsgroup about your dissatisfaction of having been
    robbed of that elusive 5th star?

    KW, Jul 11, 2007
  8. The Awesome 1

    Victek Guest

    I think the OP is expressing him/herself poorly, but trying to say that the
    head restraint system (HRS) was claimed by Hyundai to be better then it in
    fact is. Assuming that's true and because the OP experienced a serious
    injury which theoretically could have been prevented or lessened by the HRS,
    the OP feels that Hyundai should take responsibility in some way. At least
    that's what I think the OP is trying to say...?
    Victek, Jul 11, 2007
  9. The Awesome 1

    hyundaitech Guest

    I definitely perceived that tone, too, Vic. But the question remains, what
    does the OP want Hyundai or the dealer to do? If the OP is willing to tell
    us this little tidbit, we may be able to provide some guidance.
    hyundaitech, Jul 11, 2007
  10. The Awesome 1

    Steve R. Guest

    Another case of web material as gospel. Be careful what you read. In
    addition, it's not a perfect world. Did anyone else here have an all-steel
    dash, or was it just me?

    Vehicles have come a long way in the past 10 years. The problem with us all
    is that we've become accustomed to "gotta have it now!" and sue-happy if the
    shoe doesn't fit....

    Really, I am substance free!!!

    Steve, AZ
    Steve R., Jul 11, 2007
  11. The Awesome 1

    KW Guest

    I read it as the injury happened in the past and TA1 bought the Tuc because
    of the claimed 5 star rating and now wants someone to pay for the missing
    star.....could be wrong as I'm having a glass half empty kinda day <G>
    Still don't understand how any vehicle could even get a 4 star rating with a
    score of *poor* on such a key safety measure as head & neck restraint test

    KW, Jul 12, 2007
  12. The Awesome 1

    Vic Garcia Guest

    KW wrote:

    "Victek" &lt;&gt; wrote in message news:0A6li.38406$...

    Actually, it is *Exactly* the same car .....only your *opinion* of it


    changed. To restate, Mike's question slightly: What do you expect Hyundai USA or your dealer to do about it? Furthermore, if not trolling, what do you hope to accomplish by your digitized verbal intercourse on this newsgroup about your dissatisfaction of having been robbed of that elusive 5th star?

    I think the OP is expressing him/herself poorly, but trying to say that


    head restraint system (HRS) was claimed by Hyundai to be better then it in fact is. Assuming that's true and because the OP experienced a serious injury which theoretically could have been prevented or lessened by the


    the OP feels that Hyundai should take responsibility in some way. At


    that's what I think the OP is trying to say...?

    I read it as the injury happened in the past and TA1 bought the Tuc because of the claimed 5 star rating and now wants someone to pay for the missing star.....could be wrong as I'm having a glass half empty kinda day &lt;G&gt; Still don't understand how any vehicle could even get a 4 star rating with a score of *poor* on such a key safety measure as head &amp; neck restraint test results. KW

    What I find amazing is the OP claim about the Tucson been 4 stars rated .... where he got that from ?????
    Just checked the NHTSA database the rating for the 2007 model is 5 starts for frontal and side impact, that's the higher rating possible, so what's the problem ??????

    Vic Garcia, Jul 12, 2007
  13. The Awesome 1

    jp103 Guest

    What I would like to know is; Why in the world would you get a Tuc if a
    year ago you were rear ended at 75mph and had 0 injuries, a split
    bumper, and tailpipe damage in a SF (which incidentally has a P rating
    for 2001-2006 and is the same rating as the 07 TUC) according to the

    If that were me I would have gotten another SF as that seems like a
    mighty tough car that is well worth the extra gas penalty for such
    outstanding protection.

    We all must learn that if we want 100% survivability we must have
    separate roads with barriers separating for different weight class
    vehicles, limit our speeds to less than 10mph, have all cars equipped
    with fuel bladders, have a full roll cage and wear such items as a nomex
    driving suit and helmet. Even then I'm sure that something might get
    you - like falling off a 2000' precipice into a 500' deep lake.
    jp103, Jul 12, 2007
  14. The Awesome 1

    Mike Marlow Guest

    I can read quite well. Rather, you seem to have a problem writing. You
    rambled some crap about going nuts, then rambled some crap about the rating
    being 4 instead of 5, then you drifted off into some impossible to
    understand diatribe about some accident you'd been in. The next thing you
    do is babble some stuff about calling Hyundai. Man - you either have some
    issues or you need to learn to communicate better.
    Substandard? Please define substandard.
    Mike Marlow, Jul 12, 2007
  15. The Awesome 1

    Mike Marlow Guest

    I found many things to be amazing with the OP's post. Most amazing was a
    75mph collision which only damaged a bumper, yet resulted in two fractured
    vertibrae. That just does not add up. I think there's much more to this
    Mike Marlow, Jul 12, 2007
  16. Take your whining and trolling elsewhere. Judging by your stupid
    pseudonym and your past behavior, you're pretty full of yourself and
    nothing anyone tells you here is going to satisfy you anyway. If you
    want to tilt at windmills and make up non-existent problems, do it on
    your own time and quit bothering the rest of us.
    Brian Nystrom, Jul 12, 2007
  17. The Awesome 1

    mark Guest

    you will never be satisfied with any car you buy

    get a bike
    mark, Jul 15, 2007
  18. The Awesome 1

    mark Guest

    she will never tells you, she gets her jollies WHINING
    mark, Jul 15, 2007
  19. The Awesome 1

    mark Guest

    take everything the amazing whine says with more than a grain of salt......
    get at least a ton to start
    mark, Jul 15, 2007
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