Motor Trend Azera

Discussion in 'Hyundai Grandeur / Azera / XG' started by Deck, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. Deck

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Reply to message from "Deck" <> (Tue, 13 Mar 2007 16:58:26)
    about "Re: Motor Trend Azera":

    D> Guess it really doesn't make any difference. only the ones from Wayne
    D> Moses show up that way

    Hmmmm..... they look fine on my PC and Pocket PC. Anyone else have problems
    reading my posts?

    Mike Marlow, Mar 14, 2007
  2. Deck

    Deck Guest's the deal.....I tried my laptop, connected to an entirely
    different ISP, it shows up the same way, I went to a friends house who is
    connected to another entirely different ISP, it shows up the same waY,
    Went to Library and used their computer, different ISP, shows up the same
    way...Guess it's just the weather here in California that screws up his
    Deck, Mar 14, 2007
  3. Deck

    Deck Guest

    OK...must be me. I went to my laptop, using another ISP and it reads the
    same. went to a friend's house, reads the same on his too. He is using
    another ISP. Went to the Library and it reads the same...must be the air
    here in California! All running Windows XP
    Deck, Mar 14, 2007
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