Motor Trend Azera

Discussion in 'Hyundai Grandeur / Azera / XG' started by Deck, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. Deck

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from "Darby OGill" <> (Fri, 09 Mar 2007 11:
    08:12) about "Re: Motor Trend Azera":

    DO> Matt, Ed, Wayne........a few words defending Buick

    No need to defend Buick, Darby. To each his own. There are people who like
    Buicks and there are people who like other cars.

    However you have to understand that for years on end Hyundai owners have
    had to bear all sorts of insults against the cars they chose to buy -
    insults that in a way also insulted the intelligence of the owners for
    having bought a Hyundai.

    It therefore is poetic justice when Hyundai is showing up the 'all holy
    GM'. You could do no wrong if you bought a GM / Ford / Chrysler vehicle -
    any model. But to buy a Hyundai .... you must be an idiot, they would
    surely think if not say.

    DO> Have you driven (or owned) a Buick a lately? I previously had a '99
    DO> Regal LSE. I loved it.

    I had a rental 2000 Buick Century and it was OK if you like a couch in
    wheels. The demographic are older folks and they deserve to get a nice soft
    cushy floaty Buick because they like that sort of ride.

    DO> .......I love my Sonata. If it turns out be as good as the Buick, it
    DO> will have been a great car too.

    I am sure that it will be just as dependable as a current Buick would be. I
    say that because all makers are faced with the challenge of offering more
    sophistication features and performance for less cost, and sometimes
    reliability suffers when compared with older simpler models.

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Sat, 10 Mar 2007 21:03:57 -0600

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Mar 11, 2007
  2. Deck

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from "Edwin Pawlowski" <> (Fri, 09 Mar 2007
    12:00:44) about "Re: Motor Trend Azera":

    EP> 84 and 91 Regals, 97 and 01 LeSabres. Still have the 01 LeSabre. Olds,
    EP> 81, 83, 86.

    EP> My experience with the 01 LeSabre is why I bought a Hyundai.

    Hehehe .... Good post Ed. You are certainly eminently qualified by both
    your purchases and your experiences.

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Sat, 10 Mar 2007 21:31:08 -0600

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Mar 11, 2007
  3. Deck

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from "Darby OGill" <> (Fri, 09 Mar 2007 17:
    00:31) about "Re: Motor Trend Azera":

    DO> .. PS If you put the Volvo seats, and the Buick headroom/seating
    DO> position in the Sonata, I'd never look back......
    DO> maybe thats where the Azera come in.

    I believe you are right. Based on my experience with the Azera and compared
    to my Tiburon, the Azera is what today's Buick should be striving towards.

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Sat, 10 Mar 2007 21:36:15 -0600

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Mar 11, 2007
  4. Deck

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Reply to message from "Darby OGill" <> (Fri, 09 Mar 2007 11:
    08:12) about "Re: Motor Trend Azera":

    That's an interesting thought Wayne. As one who waited a long time to buy a
    Hyundai, I owned several GM's while I watched Hyundai develop. A friend had
    purchased a Hyundai in the early 90's and had some good luck with the car.
    It had some problems, but it was a fairly new introduction at the time and
    some problems were to be expected. The car did show promise though, and it
    was an interesting car to watch develop. It wasn't something I was ready to
    invest any money in though, until the early 2000 era vehicles came along. I
    started looking pretty closely at them in the early 2000's and finally
    bought a 2004 Sonata. Never looked back. I'm still GM at heart and I'm one
    of the crowd that is hoping they'll get past their arrogance and mis-deeds
    of the past and get back to building the quality they've been known for and
    creating a new customer care attitude, but this Sonata has really impressed
    me. I never did look down my nose at any Hyundai owner. Always thought
    they were taking some pretty big chances on that company in the early days,
    but that's not a look down on cause in my book.
    Oh - let me correct you there Wayne. It has always been... Ford owners were
    to be somewhat pitied for their dimwitedness, or perhaps their economic
    misfortune as to be unable to afford a nice car. Chrsyler owners were just

    DO> .......I love my Sonata. If it turns out be as good as the Buick, it
    DO> will have been a great car too.
    My wife's 04 is creeping up on 60K miles, even as we speak. I have not put
    a wrench to the car except to change the oil. I'll be changing the timing
    belt soon and the associated preventative tasks, and I'm still not thrilled
    at having to do that, but it's life with rubber band interference engines.
    Certainly not unique to Hyundai. That is a pretty good reliability record
    in my book. And I have to say... every time I get into that car and drive
    it, I get out saying the same damned thing - "man this car impresses me".
    My wife just loves that car as much today as the day we bought it.
    Mike Marlow, Mar 11, 2007
  5. Deck

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from "Mike Marlow" <> (Sun, 11 Mar 2007
    06:10:25) about "Re: Motor Trend Azera":

    MM> As one who waited a long time to buy a Hyundai, I owned several GM's

    That is one domestic brand I have not bought and that is largely due to 2
    main reasons - (1) their styling (to my taste) was a joke and (2) they
    apparently had this arrogant corporate mindset to continue building the
    cars they did without listening to the consumer and changing with the
    times. It is as if they decided "whatever we decide to build the customer
    will buy because we are GM". It is only when the American consumer started
    getting smarter and stopped buying cars essentially solely on brand loyalty
    that they started to listen. Now they are still shi**ing bricks as they
    bleed money all over the place. Now they are starting to make charges in
    style and quality. Question is - are they too late...?

    MM> while I watched Hyundai develop. A friend had purchased a Hyundai in
    MM> the early 90's and had some good luck with the car. It had some
    MM> problems, but it was a fairly new introduction at the time and some
    MM> problems were to be expected.

    I have bought 5 Hyundais since 1989. Do I think they are the best cars in
    the world? No. Best quality? No. Best looking? Not really. My 1989 Sonata
    was pretty ugly with its flat-top rear wheel arches. That car was also
    always needing to have suspension bushings changed to correct clunking. It
    was reliable but inexpensive. It did have the best warranty available at
    the time and the repairs cost me nothing. They were done cheerfully with
    little argument.

    When I was buying the car I traded a Ford Tempo with low mileage and in
    excellent shape. I first went to the Ford dealership thinking of getting a
    Taurus since my Tempo was excellent for me. The salesman didn't even want
    to look at me because I still owed in the Tempo. He lost my business in 5
    minutes. Never went back.

    Went to GM and Chrysler for a look. Their salesmen also had this air of
    superiority as if I pulled up to do them a favour that day. Ignoring them I
    looked at the cars. What a joke. Warranty was basic, quality of fit and
    finish was a joke (ever run your eye along the side or along a feature line
    form panel to panel? Scary!), and the price was not that good for what they
    were peddling.

    Went to Honda, Nissan, Toyota and 'this Hyundai place' down the road. While
    the Japanese cars were all many notches above the domestics, the Accord was
    the closest to what I wanted in terms of quality, performance and styling.
    All of the dealers were friendly and attentive and wanted to sell me a car,
    even if they wanted to give me a joke for my trade.

    Then I went to the Hyundai dealer. Not only was the performance better than
    the Accord but they gave more on the trade, the car cost 15% less for the
    same feature set, and the warranty was better. Fit and finish was between
    the Japanese and the domestics. Despite the hated flat-top rear wheel arch
    I bought the car. While it was perfectly reliable for me, the quality
    issues made it the worse Hyundai I ever owned.

    So why did I go back to Hyundai for my 1993, 1995 and 2002 Elantras, and my
    2005 Tiburon? For the same reasons most Hyundai owners buy their Hyundais -
    bang for buck, i.e. that elusive balance of lower price, features, warranty
    and especially in latter years, quality and styling. I personally have a
    couple more reasons - reliability (never had a breakdown) and before AND
    after sales service.

    That said other car makers are adopting the Hyundai formula and at the same
    time Hyundai is raising prices. That is better for the consumer but could
    be bad for Hyundai.

    MM> back. I'm still GM at heart

    I am Mercedes Benz and Aston Martin at heart but as I dream I am (so far)
    Hyundai in reality. That said I am very partial to the only GM would love
    to buy now - the Chevy Corvette Z06 - bang for buck supercar.

    MM> and I'm
    MM> one of the crowd that is hoping they'll get past their arrogance and
    MM> mis- deeds of the past and get back to building the quality they've
    MM> been known for and creating a new customer care attitude,

    Hear hear!

    MM> Hyundai owner. Always thought they were taking some pretty big chances
    MM> on that company in the early days,

    You bet we were. But look at what that said about the domestics - we'd
    rather buy a pig in a poke than buy your crap and that while we suffer
    'altitude' from the sales and service departments!

    MM> Oh - let me correct you there Wayne. It has always been... Ford owners
    MM> were to be somewhat pitied for their dimwitedness, or perhaps their
    MM> economic misfortune as to be unable to afford a nice car. Chrsyler
    MM> owners were just despicable.

    Ha ha ha .... my only Ford was very good to me but my current 1996 Dodge
    minivan is basically garbage. Only has just over 106 k miles but the number
    of things that had to be replaced is too long to mention. The only way I
    will darken the door of a Dodge dealer again is if Hyundai owns it. ;-)

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Sun, 11 Mar 2007 10:58:42 -0500

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Mar 11, 2007

  6. I didn't watch it develop; I just ignored it. Had I not has problems with my
    Buick, I may have continued to ignore it and just bought another Buick. .
    My former impression was that they rusted away (early ones did), were too
    small, lacked any special styling appeal. Once I took the time to look at
    them closely, then actually drive one, I was impressed. Styling got my eye
    with the Tiburon, then the new Sonata and Azera.

    If Hyundai could take a bunch of them out and get people off the street to
    drive one, I'd bet there sales would jump. Go to the supermarket parking
    lot, the mall, the little league field, grab the driver and entice him to
    take a new model out around the parking lot and I'd bet many would be
    hooked. Lots of bang for the buck.

    I'm looking forward to the new model in two years. It will really give
    Buick and Avalon a run.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Mar 11, 2007
  7. Deck

    Deck Guest

    am I the only one who can't read any of these posts!!! they don't say
    anything!! ??
    Deck, Mar 11, 2007
  8. Deck

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I can read them just fine.

    Matt Whiting, Mar 11, 2007
  9. Deck

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from "Edwin Pawlowski" <> (Sun, 11 Mar 2007
    14:38:11) about "Re: Motor Trend Azera":

    EP> appeal. Once I took the time to look at them closely, then actually
    EP> drive one, I was impressed.

    At the risk of being accused again of plugging my website, the above
    comment is essentially the reason behind the website's name - Drivers and

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Sun, 11 Mar 2007 17:43:14 -0500

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Mar 11, 2007
  10. Deck

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from Matt Whiting <> (Sun, 11 Mar 2007 16:
    09:30) about "Re: Motor Trend Azera":

    MW> Deck wrote:

    MW> I can read them just fine.

    Same here.

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Sun, 11 Mar 2007 17:47:44 -0500

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Mar 11, 2007
  11. At the risk of being accused again of plugging my website, the above
    comment is essentially the reason behind the website's name - Drivers and

    I never saw it. Until now that I did a Google search Why not just put in your sig line? Anyone curious will
    click on it.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Mar 11, 2007
  12. Deck

    Eric G. Guest

    Have you no shame man!!! :)

    Eric G., Mar 11, 2007
  13. Deck

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from "Eric G." <> (Sun, 11
    Mar 2007 18:45:20) about "Re: Motor Trend Azera":

    EG> Have you no shame man!!! :)

    Hahaha ..... funneee ... :)

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Sun, 11 Mar 2007 21:37:35 -0500

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Mar 12, 2007
  14. Deck

    Deck Guest

    would you please interpret thjis for me then?

    Doesn't make any sense to me!!
    Deck, Mar 13, 2007
  15. Deck

    Deck Guest

    this is what the entire post looks like. but wh Motor Trend Azera
    "Deck" <deca 2007-03-08 11:47:00
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Edwin Pawlowski&quo 2007-03-08 20:28:48
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Deck" <deca 2007-03-08 16:13:16
    Wayne Moses <wmoses@[E 2007-03-08 18:44:37
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Edwin Pawlowski&quo 2007-03-09 02:37:12
    Wayne Moses <wmoses@[E 2007-03-10 20:51:12
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    Matt Whiting <whiting@ 2007-03-08 23:06:49
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Darby OGill" & 2007-03-09 17:08:12
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Edwin Pawlowski&quo 2007-03-09 18:00:44
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    Matt Whiting <whiting@ 2007-03-09 20:49:12
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Darby OGill" & 2007-03-09 23:00:31
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Mike Marlow" & 2007-03-09 19:20:40
    Wayne Moses <wmoses@[E 2007-03-10 21:50:03
    Wayne Moses <wmoses@[E 2007-03-10 21:50:01
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    Matt Whiting <whiting@ 2007-03-09 20:47:12
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Mike Marlow" & 2007-03-09 19:28:20
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    Matt Whiting <whiting@ 2007-03-10 00:58:16
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Mike Marlow" & 2007-03-09 19:15:53
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "What" <that 2007-03-10 18:34:31
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Rob" <bucfa 2007-03-11 01:57:40
    Wayne Moses <wmoses@[E 2007-03-10 21:50:00
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Mike Marlow" & 2007-03-11 06:10:25
    Wayne Moses <wmoses@[E 2007-03-11 12:14:16
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Edwin Pawlowski&quo 2007-03-11 19:38:11
    Wayne Moses <wmoses@[E 2007-03-11 17:53:42
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Edwin Pawlowski&quo 2007-03-11 23:43:02
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    "Eric G." <N 2007-03-11 23:45:20
    Wayne Moses <wmoses@[E 2007-03-11 21:43:52
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    Brian Nystrom <brian.n 2007-03-09 00:52:19
    Wayne Moses <wmoses@[E 2007-03-10 20:51:14
    "Deck" <deca 2007-03-11 15:31:56
    Re: Motor Trend Azera
    Matt Whiting <whiting@ 2007-03-11 21:09:30
    Wayne Moses <wmoses@[E 2007-03-11 17:53:43
    Re: Motor Trend Azera

    en I click on the garbage, I get nothing!!
    Deck, Mar 13, 2007

  16. Either your news server is cutting stuff or your news reader is messing up.
    They've been reading fine here.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Mar 13, 2007
  17. Deck

    Deck Guest

    Guess it really doesn't make any difference. only the ones from Wayne Moses
    show up that way: =?Windows-1252?Q?Re=3A=20Motor=20Trend=20Azera?=
    and when I click on it, it shows the same thing!!
    Deck, Mar 13, 2007
  18. Deck

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from "Deck" <> (Tue, 13 Mar 2007 16:58:26)
    about "Re: Motor Trend Azera":

    D> Guess it really doesn't make any difference. only the ones from Wayne
    D> Moses show up that way

    Hmmmm..... they look fine on my PC and Pocket PC. Anyone else have problems
    reading my posts?

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Tue, 13 Mar 2007 18:18:16 -0500

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Mar 13, 2007
  19. Deck

    Matt Whiting Guest

    No, I see them fine.

    Matt Whiting, Mar 14, 2007
  20. To give you an idea of how perfect the newsgroup system is, Mike's message
    show that it is not even going to be send until 9:22 AM but I'm able to read
    it at 9:08AM. Algore did a great job on this.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Mar 14, 2007
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