Lost remote: will this work?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Shelly, Feb 11, 2004.

  1. Shelly

    Shelly Guest

    My Hyundai's in the shop at the moment, and I have a loaner Sonata for the
    time being. Problem is, I lost the key and remote. :( The car rental agency
    that handles loaners for my dealership was able to supply me with an extra
    key today, but they did not have another remote for the car. I locked the
    car the last time with the remote.

    So... I know the alarm is going to go off when I try the key in the door.
    The guys at the rental agency *think* that if I turn the key in the ignition
    right away after it goes off that the car will start and the alarm will go
    off. Does anyone know if this will work? I really don't want to bring all of
    my neighbors' wrath upon me by triggering a car alarm that I can't turn

    Thanks for any help/suggestions!
    Shelly, Feb 11, 2004
  2. Shelly

    theta00k Guest

    What year Sonata?
    theta00k, Feb 12, 2004
  3. Shelly

    Shelly Guest

    2003, I believe. I was able to get a better answer from the dealership
    yesterday, though. Apparently, if you use the key (setting off the alarm),
    and leave it in the ignition for about 2 minutes (the car will not start
    during this time, and the alarm continues to go off), then turn the key off,
    the alarm will reset and you will be able to start the car. It worked, but
    it does seem to have blown a fuse or two...

    Shelly, Feb 12, 2004
  4. Shelly

    Calimero Guest

    the alarm will work 30 secondes and that's it.
    You will never ear it again.
    Unless you enable the alarm (wich mean you found the remote ;) )
    Calimero, Feb 12, 2004
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