Hyundaitech - Scangauge - OBDII connector - arrgh

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by unkadunk, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. unkadunk

    unkadunk Guest

    So I thought it might be neat to get a Scangauge to watch my mpg since
    I don't have that readout in my plain jane 2006 Elantra. I go to the
    website, it says virtually all cars since 1996, I get excited, read
    about the unit some more, get ready to order, and a birdie comes and
    sits on my shoulder and tells me to just check the incompatibility
    chart to make sure it fits the OBDII connector. Never assume though.
    But no big deal.

    A short list of incompatible diesels, the Lotus Elite,
    car won't fit the connector.

    -One- stinking car, out of, I guess, every car made in the world since

    The 2006 Elantra.

    It's quite hard to fathom. I'm still dazed. Hyundaitech, why on
    earth do you think Hyundai did this? Does this mean I'm at the mercy
    of only the dealer for diagnostics?

    Or, (looks heavenward), is there an adapter that everyone else uses to
    run diagnostics on this rare bird? (and might be used to run the

    Will await answer with just a bare bit of hope.

    unkadunk, Aug 16, 2007
  2. unkadunk

    hyundaitech Guest

    It's certainly *not* an issue with the shape of the connector. The
    connector shape is the same as all other OBD-II compliant vehicles. It is
    possible, however, that the communication protocol in your car is not
    recognized by the Scangauge, or that the necessary data isn't transmitted
    in the data stream (although I'd think that injector pulsewidth and fuel
    level would be the primary inputs).
    hyundaitech, Aug 16, 2007
  3. unkadunk

    jp103 Guest

    According to the scangauge site
    there is no mention of the Elantra (or any other Hyundai) being incompatible

    WORKS ON ALL EXCEPT: Lotus Elise
    Jeep Liberty with the diesel engine does not report fuel use or trip
    functions and some of the gauges.

    Partial Compatibility
    Some vehicles do not provide all of the possible information.
    The following list applies to the vehicle that fall within this category:
    About 10% of vehicles provide Fuel Pressure (FPR).
    About 50% of vehicles provide Manifold-Absolute-Pressure (MAP).
    Multiple displacement engines will report incorrect fuel economy and
    fuel use when some of the cylinders are disabled."

    I wonder what site you are referring to. It comes with a 30 day
    unconditional money back guarantee if it doesn't work anyways.
    jp103, Aug 17, 2007
  4. unkadunk

    unkadunk Guest

    This is too bizarre. I mean totally creepy. The compatibility page
    is totally different than the one I looked at yesterday. Only keep a
    one day favorite history, so maybe I was at another site, but I'm sure
    I wasn't, as I was going to order directly from them. I swear it's

    But haunted web pages aside, this is great news, I'm ordering this

    unkadunk, Aug 17, 2007
  5. unkadunk

    jp103 Guest

    Ahh, the internet works in mysterious ways....

    If you get one let us know how it works as it seems like a good tool
    that has the ability to move from vehicle to vehicle and provide a lot
    of information..

    unkadunk wrote:
    jp103, Aug 17, 2007
  6. unkadunk

    unkadunk Guest

    Will do, order is in!
    unkadunk, Aug 17, 2007
  7. unkadunk

    hyundaitech Guest

    I can guarantee there's no fuel pressure information. Your car does have
    MAP, so that data should be available.
    hyundaitech, Aug 17, 2007
  8. unkadunk

    Don Allen Guest

    I have a 2006 Elantra, and bought a Innova Equus 3130 ScanTool
    CanOBD2, and it works absolutely perfectly with the Elantra. This
    model works with all communications protocols, including CAN
    (Controller Area Network). I bought it new through a eBay vendor at a
    price of around $150 - well worth the cost.

    Here's a link to the manufacturer's product page:

    Hyundaitech . . . the rash of recent DTC's that my Elantra was
    giving was finally sorted out a few weeks ago. I suggested to the
    dealer that they change out the PCSV (Purge Control Solenoid Valve)
    the two previous times the Check Engine light came on, but they chose
    not to take my advice, even though I once worked as a certified
    technician on SAABs and Volvos. The most recent time, they chose to
    finally replace the PCSV, and it fixed the problem.
    Don Allen, Aug 21, 2007
  9. unkadunk

    unkadunk Guest

    Just got the Scangauge in today, and gave it a test spin in the 2006
    Elantra. I really bought it mainly to watch the mileage. So far it works
    perfectly. Fits like a glove in the space below the radio, just have to
    figure out how to route the relatively thick wire. Hate to pull part of
    the dash on a ten month old car and drill holes. Yet.

    Most importantly, the backlight color was easily adjusted to match the
    Elantra's green perfectly, looks stock. Unit is well made, display is
    bigger than I thought. Really big 'fonts'. Plugged it in, turned on
    engine, the Scangauge booted in about five seconds and was ready to go.
    Put in data on car engine, fuel tank, etc. in a couple of minutes or so.
    And that was that.

    Went for a spin, set it to instant mpg, and watched as it read 0 mpg in
    the garage, then 3, 4, 5 crawling out the driveway and into the street.
    Then on to the store, where it merrily whizzed along from yucky low mpg
    accelerating to 60+ mpg when lifting off trottle. Average mpg to the
    store and back was 12. Hoho. Really makes you realize how miserable
    mileage is when braking, accelerating on short trips with stop signs etc.

    Average mpg is similar to the readout on better Hyundai models, but is on
    another display from the instant mpg readout, so you loose the instant
    readout to see the average. Kind of disappointing to me but not a big
    deal. Nice selection of various mpg, fuel to empty, speed readings.

    Most other readouts were fine but many redundant or boring, voltage, rpm,
    manifold temperature, etc. Like watching your cpu temperature and fan
    rpm's on your computer. Interesting for a second or two. But obviously
    important if at some point you need to analyze them.

    Unit is very well made, all plastic but nice and substantial. Cord is
    six feet, enough for dash mounting but would be tight trying to loop it
    to an overhead windshield mount spot.

    Manual was okay, but needs someone to edit it, put in some chapters, and
    move stuff around. Important first time fuel settings were twenty pages
    into the book. Manual on website easier to read.

    White plastic buttons are really good for finding in dark, but they make
    the unit stand out when it's sitting in the dash. Kind of yells 'hey
    look do you want to break a window and get me I'm an add-on' kind of
    thing. Have to look into black magic marker or some kind of caps for

    All in all for a one day test it's a very nice toy to help entertain,
    watch the mpg, and maybe come in handy one day if problems arise. I'm
    keeping it.
    unkadunk, Aug 21, 2007
  10. unkadunk

    jp103 Guest

    Thanks for the update. Looks like I have another item to add to my list
    of useful toys.
    jp103, Aug 21, 2007
  11. unkadunk

    Steve R. Guest

    Greetings all;

    Looking through old posts and trying to figure out why my OBD II reader no
    longer works on my 08 Sonata and the wife's 05 Jeep. The reader's fine, but
    no go on these 2 new vehicles. Did a language change that I missed?

    I also got to thinking about the poster in the group that provided the link
    for the little cool OBD II device to augment the existing gauges and mounted
    cleanly on the dash. Does anyone remember or have the link?


    2008 Sonata SE- His
    2005 Grand Cherokee Laredo- Hers
    Steve R., Jan 21, 2008
  12. unkadunk

    Bob Guest

    The '08 Sonata is running CAN protocol. I've seen information that 2005
    Jeeps may also be running CAN.
    Bob, Jan 22, 2008
  13. Well, that would explain everything. Since I no longer can use it, it's
    going on Ebay...



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    Complete PC Repair

    AZ home for sale near Laughlin, Las Vegas, BHC-
    Ann & Steve Richards, Jan 22, 2008
  14. unkadunk

    631grant Guest

    the scan gauge can be had at wwwdotscangaugedotcom/buy/index.shtml
    631grant, Jan 23, 2008
  15. unkadunk

    Steve R. Guest

    Steve R., Jan 23, 2008
  16. unkadunk

    631grant Guest

    Wow, pricey is the key word!!! For that price, it should go to bed with
    631grant, Jan 23, 2008
  17. unkadunk

    wildfire8 Guest

    I think you where looking at the Aeroforce Scan Gauge
    Here is a video of it on youtube

    wildfire8, Feb 26, 2008
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