Hyundaitech - any way to auto enable FWD?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bobm3, Feb 17, 2008.

  1. bobm3

    bobm3 Guest

    My wife and I have been driving full-time 4wd vehicles for 20+ years.
    All of them had a setting that kept it on all the time.

    We both have 2007 Sante Fe's AWD now and as simple as it is to press
    the litle button it is often overlooked.

    Are you or anyone aware of anything or technique that can keep this on
    all the time in these vehicles AND based on how it works would there
    be any damage?

    TIA - Bob
    bobm3, Feb 17, 2008
  2. bobm3

    nothermark Guest

    why would you want to run 4 wheel all the time?
    nothermark, Feb 17, 2008
  3. It makes no sense, as all it does is waste gas and increase wear and
    teat on the drivetrain.
    Brian Nystrom, Feb 18, 2008
  4. ----- Original Message -----
    After time, the teats droop and get caught in potholes and speed bumps.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Feb 18, 2008
  5. bobm3

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Not if they are properly supported and held up in a reasonable manner.
    Mike Marlow, Feb 18, 2008
  6. bobm3

    hyundaitech Guest

    The previous incarnation had full-time 4wd on the 2.7. The 3.5 had
    electronically controlled 4wd.

    I haven't studied to know whether there was a similar difference between
    the 2.7 and 3.3 when the redesign occurred. The presence of the switch
    and the default of 4wd off, seems to suggest electronic control.

    Keeping 4wd engaged on dry pavement or at high speeds can cause
    significant drivetrain wear. Check your owner's manual to see if it
    engages automatically when needed, or take it out in the snow/ice and play
    around a little to see if the rear wheels start to engage when the front
    wheels begin to spin.
    hyundaitech, Feb 18, 2008
  7. Edwin Pawlowski, Feb 19, 2008
  8. bobm3

    B.C. MALLAM Guest

    I am unable to set up an account on Hyundaitech, I am running a Mac anyone
    else have the same problem?
    B.C. MALLAM, Feb 19, 2008
  9. bobm3

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Well, first off - Hyundaitech is a guy who posts here. I bet you're
    referring to It would be helpful if you would describe what
    you are experiencing as you try to set up an account. There was a time when
    the site only worked with IE, but I thought they had changed that by now.
    Mike Marlow, Feb 19, 2008
  10. bobm3

    B.C. MALLAM Guest

    I think that may be the problem. When I click on the security item before
    you submit an account nothing happens.
    B.C. MALLAM, Feb 19, 2008
  11. I have a Mac with OS X 10.4 and Firefox. seems to work fine.
    Edgar MacArthur, Feb 19, 2008
  12. bobm3

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Damn - I knew I was doing something wrong when I typed "" in
    my earlier post. Just could not think of "" at the time.
    Getting older is a bitch.
    Mike Marlow, Feb 20, 2008
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