Hyundai Dealer added 'auto trans. cleaner' during the trans. fluidflush (???)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by IlBeBauck, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. IlBeBauck

    IlBeBauck Guest

    Does this sound right ? What kind of cleaner do they use ? Ive
    never heard of this being done in the past. Thanks.
    IlBeBauck, Jan 28, 2009
  2. IlBeBauck

    hyundaitech Guest

    In most cases, dealers (and other shops) reach deals with additive
    companies. Additive company supplies flushing equipment free of
    charge if the dealer uses their chemicals.

    Doesn't sound very good to me. In most cases, the additive company
    doesn't list the chemicals in the cleaner. Therefore, there's no way
    to determine whether they can potentially harm the transmission. Even
    if the chemicals were listed, there'd likely be no way for the typical
    mechanic to determine the consequences from using them (other than
    wait and see). There's no reason anything other than SPIII fluid
    should ever be put in your transmission.
    hyundaitech, Jan 29, 2009
  3. IlBeBauck

    Mark A Guest

    I think you are confused. It does not actually clean your A/T, it is a line
    item on your invoice that is designed to clean out your wallet.
    Mark A, Jan 29, 2009
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