Hyundai Coupe Keyless Entry problem

Discussion in 'Hyundai Coupe / Tiburon' started by Philip, Dec 3, 2006.

  1. Philip

    Philip Guest


    I have a 1998 Hyundai Coupe 2.0SE - The other day the doors wouldn't
    open using the remote control - the light still flashes on the remote
    and i changed the battery just to rule that out.
    I've read that there is a switch behind a panel on the drivers side
    that can be used to reprogram the car with the transmitter however i
    have not been able to find this - in fact strangely enough i had part
    of the dash off today looking and when i put it back together the
    remote worked ONCE then stopped working again - Can anyone help me?

    Philip, Dec 3, 2006
  2. Philip

    hyundaitech Guest

    If the doors still lock with remote, then the vehicle is still receiving
    the signal and reprogramming isn't the solution.

    It's more likely that you have an issue with a relay or a lock actuator.
    In fact, lock actuators are the number one cause of locking/unlocking
    problems on this model.
    hyundaitech, Dec 5, 2006
  3. Philip

    Philip Guest

    No actually the doors don't lock or unlock with the remote (my first
    post wasn't quite clear) - There was just that one occasion on sunday
    when the doors locked and unlocked once using the remote then stopped
    working again - However perhaps this does point to some sort of
    intermittent problem as opposed to programming (i would like to try
    programming if i can do it myself just to rule that out)
    Philip, Dec 5, 2006
  4. Philip

    hyundaitech Guest

    Unfortunately, to my knowledge, the only way to program the remotes is with
    the dealer's scan tool.
    hyundaitech, Dec 5, 2006
  5. I have no idea if this can be done with Hyundai, but these guys will tell
    you how for $10.

    Of course, it may be something other than just programming.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Dec 6, 2006
  6. Philip

    Philip Guest

    Oh Well perhaps this isn't a DIY job then. I'll start with an autospark
    and take it from there.
    Many thanks for all the replies.

    Philip, Dec 6, 2006
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