Trying to help someone troubbleshoot an electrical problem with a hyundai accent 1999 w/manual transmission. Problem is car running fine & smooth w/normal accl. and power and good performance on hills. Suddenly check-engine light starts flashing on dash and engine loses power runs rough w/slight backfire sound every minute or so. Check voltage across battery with engine idling and shows 8 - 9 volts range but alternator is brand new and has already been tested and is OK itself. Cheched fuses and they are all OK. So is it a computer gone screwy or a very well hidden electrical problem somewhere? Anyone who had this problem with this same model car and was able to find a solution please contact this email addy: [email][/email] (don't use netscape addy because it's expired) please type "hyundai 1999 problem" in subject header. thanks, j