homelink programming question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bob M, Nov 8, 2008.

  1. Bob M

    Bob M Guest

    I have two '07 Santa Fe's and two OD Phantom openers with the rolling code
    units. Following the instructions in the manual I can program one of the
    openers for button TWO of both cars and they work fine.

    But I cannot program button ONE of both cars. They will NOT program.
    However, the separate remote does open the door.

    Is there a button sequence of programming that I am unaware?

    Here's what I do:

    Press the "program" button on the opener unit. The LED blinks.
    In the car, with the ignition on, I press the button for two seconds and
    release. Then I press it again for two seconds and release. No rapid

    When I programmed button TWO after the 2nd release the LED started blinking
    rapidly indicating it was programmed (and it was).

    Any ideas why neither car can program this ONE opener? BTW - I cleared the
    receiver memory on the DO and reprogrammed the remote and it programmed
    fine. Just not the cars.

    Ideas ?
    Bob M, Nov 8, 2008
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