help Accent trunk lamp

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by mgilbert, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. mgilbert

    mgilbert Guest

    Hi, I have a strange problem with my accent GSI 2002. My dash
    trunk open light and my trunk lamp are always on. But the strange part
    is that vwhen I press the break. The both lamp goes off. If I release
    the break the lamp goes on again. I check the schematic there is no
    conection with the break circuit. I mesure the voltage at the lamp and
    I mesure that: power side 12V, gnd side 0.7V or 12 V when break is
    press. Could you help me with that.

    Thank you
    mgilbert, Jun 11, 2007
  2. mgilbert

    hyundaitech Guest

    Check all your interior and exterior fuses. I seem to recall this
    occurring when one of the fuses blows, but I'm not sure which one.
    hyundaitech, Jun 12, 2007
  3. mgilbert

    mgilbert Guest

    I check all the fuse but I didn`t see anyone burn. Do you have any
    other sugestion.
    thank you
    mgilbert, Jun 13, 2007
  4. mgilbert

    hyundaitech Guest

    Which wire has power when the brakes aren't on: the orange/black or the
    green/orange wire?
    hyundaitech, Jun 13, 2007
  5. mgilbert

    mgilbert Guest

    Where do I look for those wire color?
    mgilbert, Jun 14, 2007
  6. mgilbert

    hyundaitech Guest

    You said:

    "I mesure that: power side 12V, gnd side 0.7V or 12 V when break is press.
    Could you help me with that."

    So I'm looking for the wire colors wherever you made this measurement.
    I'm presuming it's at the trunk lamp, but if it's elsewhere, tell me where
    it is. What's the wire color of the wire with the 12V, and what's the wire
    color of the wire with the voltage that depends on brake application? Per
    the shop manual, one wire going to the trunk lamp is orange/black and the
    other is green/orange.
    hyundaitech, Jun 18, 2007
  7. mgilbert

    mgilbert Guest

    I took the other mesurement at the dash lamp. I just take the
    mesurement at the trunk lamp and here the result: Wire orange/ black
    12.5 V with or without break (lamp unplug) wire Green/orange without
    break : 0.1V with break 10.9V. I hope you will able to help me with
    that info.

    Thank you
    mgilbert, Jun 21, 2007
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