I mentioned in an earlier post that I have a problem with the headlights on my 06 Sonata GLS. Basically, it came from the factory with the headlights so high, it blinded (verified by me driving towards it in another vehicle, while my wife was driving it) oncoming traffic. Anyway, first trip to the dealer resulted in headlights that were so low, they might as well not be on. Next trip to the dealer the next day resulted in me lighting the trees better than the road. On advice from people here, I adjusted them down such that they lit the road, and didn't seem too high. I still got blinded from oncoming traffic flashing because they think I've left the high beams on. (Believe it or not, the NC DMV driver manual says to do that! [URL]http://tinyurl.com/a444l[/URL] ) Off to the dealer I went again. They cranked them way down again. Anyone else have a similar issue theirs? It seems the choice is either lights too low to be usable, or blind the other guy which results in them blinding you.